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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. That is gone. They are no longer able to use another manufacturers holder.
  2. Just to clarify, there was no merger.
  3. This should be at least a fine in the “you just can’t do that” category.
  4. If you guys want to fight back and forth can you take it to private messages? Thank you.
  5. I'm too far south for you, but theres a lot of ice in the San Diego area. If you're way up north you're most likely looking at icetown riverside.
  6. I didn't notice until you said something. Is that just molded or are those... vents?
  7. Yeah I get weird looks, too. Then I explain that they're custom and wrap my foot. Mine are the old ones with the VH logo, too. Maybe take a look at http://www.protectiveathleticwear.com/materials.htm and see if they have a foam that would work for you?
  8. I experienced issues with my big toe running in all skates. Ended up using a silicone sleeve over my big toe all the time. When I got my VH I had them build some space in there for me so it hasn’t been an issue. I also actually did the opposite of @stick9 and switched away from waxed laces. I found that I didn’t need my skates nearly as tight anymore because of how molded they are to my feet. I could easily skate (but not play hockey) without laces at all. Still use a damn shoe horn to get them on!
  9. Yeah probably don’t need to worry about it too much. Can always consult with your partner too.
  10. The rulebook covers these situations extensively 🙂
  11. No signal when the goalie covers it. Often a ref will point to one circle with a “this side, boys” if there’s any question on which side it will be on but usually it’s pretty obvious. No, you shouldn’t be signaling offsides or saying anything at all unless the puck goes back into the zone. You don’t need to SAY anything at all, though if it’s obvious that the attacking team doesn’t realize they’re offside and are pressuring the defensive team you may yell “OFFSIDE!” until they get the hint. For icing, one ref does NOTHING except raise their hand if the puck was shot from before center. The other ref does NOTHING except blow the play dead once it crosses the goal line (and subsequently raising their hand and retrieving the puck). Ive seen in adult leagues countless times where somebody complains to the near ref (who does the face off after the icing) that it should have been waived off, not realizing that that ref is not responsible for that. (Of course there are some exceptions, like if either ref sees it tipped or deflected the can certainly waive it off) And... yeah, there’s a reason we spend a good 10 minutes dropping pucks during the seminar 😉 It’s not as easy as it looks. Though most guys reffing adults don’t really care. We have one that basically stands sideways and tosses it down. Doesn’t even get square. I think I covered everything you asked but I’m replying on my phone 🙂 Did you get a copy of the basic manual?
  12. How many times do we really need to read the same story? Move on, already.
  13. If Bauer ever made skates that fit like Makos (not saying these are) I would be ecstatic. Ive never been able to figure out why off the shelf skates all hurt my feet because I feel my feet are pretty normal but you can only waste so much money trying so many pairs before it just becomes silly to not just say screw it and go custom.
  14. Let’s let’s go ahead and get back on topic so we don’t end up with pages of complaining about there being pages of complaining.
  15. Many other products have their own thread. That’s kind of the point. The last thing you want is for every question about the same product to be in a new thread.
  16. You don't understand people's desire to defend a product/company when nonsense is being spewed about them, regardless of whether you own their product or not? Okay. And once again you're speculating that we don't own them...
  17. No need to just make stuff up because you’re unsatisfied.
  18. Because that’s what this topic is for.
  19. Interesting. Mine has an elastic boot strap but it’s still loose and it actually loops right under the skate AND behind the skate. I wonder what would happen if I actually made it tight, or removed it. Im not really on the ice enough to experiment though so I usually just stick to one way and don’t touch it.
  20. Usually 4-5 days. Championship is won on Sunday, the next season is posted on tues/wed or so, and starts on Sunday again. But we only have 6 teams in our division and one of them only plays Wednesday nights. The rest of the games are either 7PM or 9:30PM on sundays so the schedule is pretty easy to make and doesn’t change much.
  21. Sure I was talking about in the traditional position that many people still use.
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