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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. At least five on that penguins list are above 1". I can't imagine, but I'm also a crap skater.
  2. I see that all. the. time. Either you're on the wrong hollow, or you waited WAY too long between sharpenings.
  3. Yeah I read that as well. So it's a question of whether they edit VIII somehow or just omit her from IX, or what.
  4. I'll try mine tomorrow when the Kings game is on.
  5. Did your IP change? Make sure you hit the yonder site and let it update your IP information on the account.
  6. I suppose it's possible for them to find a way to write her out of the script depending on how far along in the process they are. Or perhaps they'll attempt the CGI route like with Rogue One. That looked pretty good for the 10 seconds she was on the screen but not sure if they could pull off any significant scenes with that.
  7. I wear both VH and Makos. The VH has way less room above the toes than the Mako. To be honest I can't imagine needing/using the powerfoot inserts in VH, but personal preference yadda yadda.
  8. They have an agreement with Vaughn hockey for North American distribution, or something like that. Just trying to delay the inevitable.
  9. I read it as medial side, but the same theory applies. Heat it up and curve it out.
  10. I didn't have this issue with mine at all. I'm sure it could definitely be heated and bend it out a bit. Otherwise I'd contact Rob (or your rep?) and see what they think.
  11. Update! I have the full kit now :) Blade holder and edge checker both arrived today. Sparx even threw in some stickers to put on my DIY case once I have it. I already see I'm going to be cross grinding my mako runners, they were quite uneven. My goalie skates that had their first sharpen by JR and only the Sparx since were perfect.
  12. Three-peat achieved! This was especially sweet after being in last place by a mile this year because we could never get the full roster playing. Many nights with 6 or 7 skaters. 3 goals against in two playoff games with a shutout. This was a come from behind win against our Dead Deer rivals too .
  13. Well, until 2020 at least. In all seriousness, this year has been pretty abnormal.
  14. Hmm. You selected your holder size? I don't think I was ever asked what size I wanted. They just gave me what fit my boot.
  15. If they're that far off I'd just be asking for a new pair to be made. I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much. His situation is very much an anomaly.
  16. Haha its only about 6" diameter. That would have been funny though.
  17. Got my accessory tray and cross grind ring today. Edge checker on the way. Thanks @stevebalchunas you're a beauty. Now I just need a case to put it in, and of course another ring and the blade holder to fill up the tray ;)
  18. Yea we started calling it Jobu. A few of us prayed to it. Haha. It was made by a street vendor in Mexico while some of my teammates were down there last week. Amazing.
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