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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Trip to Canada was great. The Tea Party concert with old friends, having great seats to watch the Leafs destroy the Brooklyn Dumpster Fires, and also went to the CN Tower, Ripleys Aquarium, Casa Loma and the ROM. Only thing missing was the HHOF but I've been there before.
  2. Did you re-bake? Insoles are grey now? Are they the same as the older yellow ones?
  3. I would have called him Trumphands* haha * not meaning to get political, it's just a "well known" joke ;)
  4. Flying from San Diego to Toronto tomorrow to see The Tea Party. Catching a Leafs game while we're there too. Having a bit of a cheat on our diets for some poutine and Swiss Chalet while we're there, and of course 2-3 cups of Tims a day. Will have to hit the hotel gyms hard...
  5. Same tongue. Maybe they just have different offerings compared to when I got mine.
  6. They had two when I ordered, both with thermo plastic. Mine was the "regular", and the one with enhanced metatarsal wasn't able to be embroidered.
  7. I did for a while at first, just too tight. I still get it occasionally if I tie them too tight by accident. Usually, most of the eyelets are barely snug, let alone tight. If that's not your issue, perhaps a second bake with much looser lacing might help?
  8. Have the profile adjusted to slight negative.
  9. I received my free air filter a few days ago. Huge props to Sparx for giving out free filters just because one dumbass didn't change his... lol.
  10. I have the same thing. I have to really pull the top away from my foot to get the last couple sets of eyelets laced. Is what it is. *shrug*
  11. I had a ref talk to me once between periods while I was in the box for a body check. He said the act of bracing yourself makes it look like you're the one initiating the contact. whereas the guy who ended up on his ass looks like he wasn't expecting the "hit". Like you said, its totally a perception thing but at that speed (and with the refs as out of position as they often are in low level beer leagues) that's just how it looks to them and is going to get called more often than not. It sucks, but I'll take the penalty. In a collision, one of us is going to go down and I'm sorry, but I'm going to make sure it isn't me. Then again, my broken ankle was from a situation where we BOTH went down, and I guess he thought I hit him and went ballistic. So I guess it could go one of a couple ways...
  12. The last time somebody decided to not shake my hand, they ended up on their ass. I don't feel great about doing it, but I still think it was deserved.
  13. That's pretty dumb. I'll be using /r/nhlstreams to find a canadian stream
  14. I have never met anyone who gets sick more than you.
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