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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JSK81 last won the day on July 16 2019

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400 Excellent

About JSK81

  • Birthday 03/31/1981

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  1. I wish they still made them. That system was much better than the slots, didn’t need to re-tighten the screws all the time.
  2. Only depth and height. It doesn’t allow tilting the visor if you install it correctly.
  3. Just a warning for everyone, The Finn will be in again...
  4. They hinge a bit both ways. Whether the forearm part hinges down or not doesn’t really matter that much mobility wise though, your arm doesn’t bend that way unless it breaks.
  5. CCM CL, RBZ, QLT, FT1 are all 3 piece elbow pads.
  6. Quicklites are the lowest profile ones I’ve used. The cap especially is much smaller than CL/RBZ/FT1.
  7. From a Slovenian website I found through Google.
  8. Looks exactly the same...
  9. I don’t know about any hype, but it’s solid, high quality steel.
  10. Like icemonster said the VR24 bows out on the bottom. VR25 is straighter and close to Oakley VR903. Performance is the same, just a bit different shape.
  11. Fit is pretty much the same but Bauer shells run a size smaller. Had to wear a size L shell with a medium NXG girdle too.
  12. I’ve used a Dynasty girdle with NXG/MX3 shells and the attachment points line up perfectly.
  13. Well my FT390s legs are noticeably wider and more loose fitting than my 1Xs but I guess I’m wrong 🤷‍♂️
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