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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by noupf

  1. No, i'm not in the market right now so i have not yet.
  2. Just watched it last night. They look good. I love the 100k Pros and the fit. I will likely be ready for a new pair in a year or so. I doubt I'll grab the XF Pros bc of how stiff they are, probably will be the one step down from the top. Either way, cant wait to see some reviews and such as they hit the shelves. Curious about the liners too. My 100k Pros are only a little over a year and a half old. I skate twice a week, and i have two spots ( one on each foot, in different spots ) where the liner material is starting to wear through and tear. My old grafs had perforated leather and lasted me 8 years. I'd love a leather like liner again for durability. Is that possible with CCM Custom Skates.......and if so, do they have to be XF Pro's or can I get the skate built with the specs of the one model line lower and does it cost less if so?
  3. Thanks. Any idea about the boot and the fit profile? Has anything changed in the last or will they fit the same as the current AS-V's ? I'm in 100k Pros, size 9.5 Regular and when i tried on the AS-V's and Jetspeeds ( just for the fun of it ), I felt like a 9.0 tapered actually fit me better than my 100k Pro's in the 9.5 regular. If i recall, you also noticed that a half size smaller and narrower was needed in the new jet speeds and as-v's.
  4. So, who’s got the inside scoop on these things? Any new, ground breaking specs or is it just a new paint job on the AS-V’s ??? @VegasHockey I’m looking at you pal 🙂
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3aa5opAi_A/
  6. Profiling can be a great tool to dial in your skating. But like others have said, you need to get used to the new skates first ( 8-10 times of skating at least in my opinion ) to see where you may or may not benefit from profiling.
  7. The current CCM Tacks / Jetspeed girdle has a lot of adjustability in its length. Just find a shell that goes over it and you'll be good to go.
  8. Just chiming in here with size, as another poster mentioned, the skate my be a half size to big for you. Clearly not all feet are the same, but I am in the Ribcor 100k Pros and they are the single best fitting skate i've ever owned. I am 100% an 11.5 shoe and opted for the 9.5 skate. I probably could have gone with a 9.0, but it would have been just a hair too tight as one of my toes was right up to the toe cap when standing, so i opted for the 9.5. I really think its a minimum of 2 sizes down in skates now a days, where in the past it was 1.5. Some guys are saying 2.5 sizes down and I can see where it may be true for some players.
  9. Thanks. Yea I figured its all the entry level stuff, as his current jetspeeds are too. I just know he's on a 13' radius and didn't want to jump to a 10' if he isn't ready. He'll be grown out of his current skates in 3-6 months, so sizing up on the gear they provide was my plan. He skates ok and hopefully gets a little better after the program, but i didn't want to change the radius too early if he's used to the 13' hes on. Thanks for the input Nice Killer Bee's jersey btw. You must have played when John took over my old team as those look like his re-design jerseys.
  10. Somebody ( who has more money to spare than i do ) needs to do a youtube review of a top end retail stick and a couple of these all black chinese knock offs. After the initial review.........a dissection of the sticks needs to occur to see how the blades are constructed and how other internal features of the builds compare. Just a thought 🙂
  11. Ohh, didnt realize there was a bauer option for learn to play. for some reason I thought it was all CCM bc of some posts i saw on redit and other places. Yea, i was gonna get him the bauer XLP's next bc it was a 13' radius. Guess I'll have to see what we get and go from there. Glad to know I can change the radius even though the runners are not removable if we get the ccm's. Thanks !
  12. He's in a youth size 13 and will be in them for the next few months most likely.. He currently has full gear that fits him well. Since we are getting free gear head to toe, i was going to size up for him by one size on everything, so he has all new gear once he outgrows what hes in now. He's growing like a weed, so I think size 1 in the skates is what i was going to order and it says JUNIOR size 1 on the order form. I know his jetspeeds are YOUTH size 13 with the 13' radiu,. but again, i don't know what skates will be supplied with the NHL / CCM learn to play program. I assume inexpensive entry level and the ones i see all say 10' radius, which is why i inquired about the possibility of the changing radius on skates without removable blades. Thanks for chiming in, i appreciate it.
  13. Yes, this is what i've read and heard as well. I feel that as he's learning, a longer radius is a good option for him and other say the same thing. I agree with the other poster above that kids can adapt quickly, but my son isn't all that skilled yet on skates. He's ok and I know it has to do with the longer radius that has helped helped him pick it up quickly. I guess i can always see how he does on the next set of skates if its a smaller radius and adjust the radius from there if he does not adapt well.
  14. two questions really.... 1) Does anybody know which skates come with the NHL / CCM Learn to play equipment packages via Pure Hockey? @VegasHockey maybe? 2) My local pure hockey has a pro-sharp profile machine. Can I get the radius changed on junior skates if the blades can't be removed? Reason i ask is bc I just signed up my 5 year old son for the NHL learn to play program at our local ice rink. With the sign up fee comes a complete set up of gear from head to toe, including skates. I currently have him in a youth size 13 entry level jetspeed skate that has a 13' radius. He skates ok for his age / skill level, but from what i gather it looks like all the lower price point CCM skates come with a 10' radius and I'd like to keep him on a 13' radius a little longer. Since we already have gear that should last him another 6 months or so, i'm going to go one size up for all the gear that comes from CCM / Pure hockey, including the skates. Anybody have insight on this gear? Thanks !!
  15. As stated above, profiling the blades can help with the slight forward lean / pitch that you may be looking for. I went from Graf Ultra G75's to the 100k Pro's and felt the same with the steel out of the box.......a little bit on my heels. My grafs did have profiled steel in them ( pro sharp ellipse 1 ), but i had the pitch removed bc of the aggressive forward lean that are built into graf skates. After getting an ellipse 1 profile with the default 20mm pitch left in the profile, It was a seamless transition to my 100k pro's. Best skates I've ever owned.
  16. FT6 skates have been out for 6 months now, why does nobody seem to have them in tapered? Did CCM screw something up in the design and manufacturing?
  17. Tried on both the Mach's and AS-V Pro's yesterday at my local shop. I'm just a beer league defenseman, but i want maximum protection as I get older. At first, the AS-V's felt odd,didn't think i'd like them, but once strapped on and walking around, I started to like them. Felt very protective just from strapping them on. Strapping system seemed good too. Reviews online seem good as well. The Mach's, well, they just fit weird. I'm 6'4 230 lbs and have thick calves but the Mach's just felt overly large and bulky even for me using a 16" shin guard. I was amazed at how bulky they felt. I checked out the FT6 Pros and the Vapor top of the line model ( forget the model ), but they all just feel too thin and light for what i play. The new vapors, if I recall have bad reviews lately from knee caps cracking and breaking at the knee cap vents ( not sure why you vent a knee cap, seems like it creates a weak point ). The Mach knee cap looks just like the vapor knee cap with vents, i'm interested to see if the Mach's have knee cap cracking issues If i decide to get new shin guards, the AS-V's will likely be where i spend my money.
  18. Yes CCM had it at like 220 for 2 minutes for those skates if i recall correctly. For what its worth, i lowered the temp to 185 and did it for 4 minutes with my 100K Pro's. Much better moldability in my opinion. Did it a second time a few day slater to get a better wrap. Worked out well for me.
  19. Got a response on IG, thanks. Curious if you have been using these at all and how they hold up over time playing in games and such
  20. Any idea if the guy is still in business? I reached out via the form on their website and sent a facebook message and never received a response from either avenue
  21. Any idea if the Gen2 version will continue to be sold or is it safe to assume it will slowly be phased out as inventory sells down?
  22. Yes legit. I've only purchased some gloves from them over the years and some other non stick related stuff.
  23. I'm genuinely curious if half the kids or even adults who operate these things check for calibration each day. My theory ( which has no statistical backing, but i have managed hundreds of kids and young adults in my career ) tells me they either don't check, can't eyeball it properly or simply dont care....
  24. I'm one of those who has been on the fence about getting one. Like a previous member here posted, I joined a sparx facebook group a year or two ago for the learning process, questions and comments that people had incase i decided to purchase one. I know guys who are very happy with the machine and others who are meh on it. I truly believe it comes down to the competency of the user and their ability to calibrate it and stay on top of it.. With that being said, I think sparx reinvented the edge level checker ( the BEAM ) for a reason and it does seem pretty cool. It absolutely does address one of the most common questions, "my skate edge is too high on this ( fill in the black ) side, which direction and how many clicks do i need to fix it. It seems that calibration is the #1 issue and many people might not be as mechanically inclined as others. Now, If it was my company and I was aware of this question ( and i dont know if something like this existed beforehand or not from sparx ), but i would have made a reference sheet showing their edge checker, with multiple examples of level or unlevel edges and simply added that cheat sheet with literature packed with the unit, so that customers has a much better idea which direction and approximately how many clicks are needed to level them out depending on which side was high. With their manual edge checker having so many lines of measurement, i image it wouldn't be too difficult to get people close enough. Now, fast forward to the general consumer in the year 2023, most people seem like they don't want to be bothered with reading and comprehending any sort of literature or even bullet points that are presented to them, they just want something digital or with simple pictures to tell them what to do and how to do it, as simply as possible.......I think the BEAM and the phone app does that. There is no doubt that this machine is of high quality and does a pretty good job getting skates sharpened for most, but there are small issues that make it an issue for some. Perhaps this is the first step toward a machine that will eventually self calibrate, at which point, i think it becomes an even more wildly popular device.
  25. Curious what your go to adhesive would be in this scenario? Do you have one that works well for glove patching, like you said, that will help keep the edges from rolling or peeling. Thanks !
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