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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by BureKovy

  1. Is there a list of all the curves base offers, I feel like everything isn't listed on the website.
  2. Has anyone tried Tuuk and VH/Step holder on the same boot for comparison? I'm coming from (MLX with Tuuk) to (VH with VH/Step holder Stepsteel and sidewall protection) so its hard to get a feel for the difference in the holder.
  3. Up in Canada I can't see them selling it for $699 for customs with step steel. The top of the line skates (bauer line, CCM) all go for $999 plus another ~$100 if you wanted to go custom. $699 vs. $1099, they could gain a big market share but just under cutting a bit but thats 2/3rds the cost. I do see that happening if you wanted stock boots with standard holder and steel. Correct me if I am wrong about the numbers, anything could happen really though.
  4. exactly what I was going to say
  5. Anyone try different tongues? Do they just have the two types? I have the standard felt one but it is really thick I find and not very flexible.
  6. Yeah my skates fit great but I feel like I could use a bit more padding instead of feeling more if the boot. It's contoured to my foot though already.
  7. They come with just regular insoles. But the boot is custom so the support is there. I just got them but I'm wondering if the custom insoles or superfeet would help.
  8. Anyone using Bauer speed plate, sidas or superfeet?
  9. Ok thank you, i just want to order a few more, ill ask when i call it and see if its on file. I got a Nasty shaft also with it which was recommended by Stephen coming from the Savoy. Just want to make sure I order the right one for me. It feels good might switching it up could be better even. Something with more pop.
  10. MrData, I order the first batch of bc27 blades, it's not labeled but do you know what flex they were?
  11. Similar problems were brought up with MLX, just roll the top of the boot out slightly with a heat gun. I did this before anything happened and never had a problem. The concept of the skate is if stuff like this happens then you can fix it with the heat gun.
  12. Will Easton only be releasing the E28 in a OPS Mako II? No changes until next year? I would love to get it in a tapered blade.
  13. I got a custom pair of wide skates from MLX, fixed all the problems and they fit like a glove. Best pair of skates I've ever owned. Glad Easton has picked up the technology and has hopefully moved it to a new level.
  14. Ruffage So you did a custom order? I didn't realize they even had reebok blades to order, just Sherwood. Can you give some more details?
  15. Yeah id see if you can try on some 800's in store then because thats the smallest they make and i have friends that have the same fit as me that went with a 13 also. however i have one friend who bought a pair if 15's but i know his hands are the same as mine so i guess it depends on what you can play with.
  16. I have both, but i wear a 13" in an 800 and a 14" narrow in a franchise. the 800's in a 13" tend to fit more like a 14". Hope this kind of helps but i can't compare a 13" vs. 13" because the franchise are too small.
  17. Basically you should be able to get whatever you want within eastons ability. The reason they did it is if you liked someones gloves in the NHL you could get the exact specs, however they won't do Z airs.
  18. You guys should be posting here before this thread gets closed. http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php?/topic/56185-custom-glove-gallery-questions-and-answers/
  19. Well i did mine and they didn't add the cuff so i had to send them back so they could make the adjustment. I don't know where the confusion was because it was clear on the order sheet.
  20. Not new, pro stock models made in Sweden.
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