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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by 215BroadStBullies610

  1. For 9.5D Makos, would the 280mm Tuuk be the right size?
  2. My man. I've been getting into jazz lately and looking forward to getting an electric guitar myself!
  3. And yet with the added awareness, coaches and parents will continue to address the problem incorrectly. There is a bright spot to all of this: helmet manufacturers are making money ha.
  4. The occurrence of concussions will continue to increase as coaching deteriorates.
  5. I meant the game haha. Fighting is overrated solely based on the rules USA Hockey has put into practice at all levels. It's just not worth it. Rule 615 always wins at the end of day ha.
  6. From what I've observed from my short time officiating, I'd say some of the concussions are attributable to bad technique. Whether it is someone throwing a check or puck-handling through the neutral zone, it seems that no one holds the players or the coaches in any of this. It can't be all the equipment's fault. Interesting read nonetheless.
  7. My first venture with Eastman guitars. Liking what I'm hearing so far. Still a Martin fan boy though ha.
  8. The One90: still my favorite stick till this day.
  9. Spoken like a true hockey player haha.
  10. Eh. Sorry to hear that. Take care of those knees!!!
  11. In this case, American football. But football, or futbol, is a great sport too. Well, at least I, and most of the world, think so haha. To each their own ha.
  12. Hmm. I don't want to hi-jack this thread so we'll leave it at that haha.
  13. I could only imagine. I feel like I'm losing it and I'm 5 years removed from playing ACHA club hockey and immediately transitioned into adult hockey haha.
  14. Totally agree. Playing with Crosby will make you a more effective player. That is what he does better than anyone else in the league.
  15. That's a nice guitar my friend. I'm rooting for you. I'm praying that this summer I can get a full-size Martin. Would like to keep it under $1,000 and with so many options, I'll take the time to hear them all. Big fan of the GPCPA5. Intrigued by the DRSGT and DRS1/2. Yea, that is a trip that is long overdue for me. Only an hour or so drive from where I'm located.
  16. Adding to the collection: Martin LXME. I'm a Martin fanboy haha.
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