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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by 215BroadStBullies610

  1. Yea, I remember you mentioned it back then. I've been able to confirm that now that I've been back to hockey since May haha.
  2. I've never used Rink Rat before. It may be worth a shot. I don't like spending money if I don't have to but us gear nerds can't put a price on equipment that works better IMO haha.
  3. I would agree. I've been using the Pure-X (+2) since I came back to hockey back in May (2021). The OG Pures just felt better. Kinda tough to explain but the Pure-X wheels to have more drag. Wish I could've found more OG Pures haha.
  4. For me it was the OG 1X's. I never wore the 1X Lites. It's crazy to say but the 1X's are my favorite shin guards to date.
  5. I had the 1X's and got rid of them during my break from hockey. Tried the 2S Pro's but, as others said, they were too bulky. I have the 2X Pro's which fit much better but I'd still take the 1X's over what I currently have when it comes to fit.
  6. Yea, the roster screams "we want to do some wheelin' and dealin'" haha. We shall see. No way they don't have more changes down the pike.
  7. Making me nervous man haha. Just bought the +2 and I weigh around 215 lbs. The OG Pures were fantastic but maybe success doesn't repeat itself in this case?
  8. Definitely interesting! Hope it comes to market as a succes.
  9. Hahahaha I already have to break in new skates so I have more than enough "excuses" on tap for me to use for the rest of spring and heading into summer.
  10. This past weekend marked the first time I was on the ice since March 2020. Mad rusty but just nice to suit up again.
  11. A long time coming but hope to finally get back to inline hockey in the near future...
  12. Skate like Conor McDavid haha. The implication is pretty clear and I've experienced it myself (even when not wearing Makos anymore). Dropping an eyelet absolutely increase forward flexion. Now it may not be for you doesn't make the study/analysis invalid. I know for myself is that my form is better and I feel more comfortable skating without the last set of eyelets done. Now will it make me faster? I'm only getting older so I should be slowing down regardless but that's beside the point.
  13. This will appeal to the Tier I Youth and/or rich parents whose kids want the latest stuff. When it comes to helmets, I don't think there's as much adult as there is with sticks and skates.
  14. I've never been to a Winterfest so I gotta get in on first Fallfest! I haven't visited Detroit since college!
  15. So many people missed out on the Easton Mako skates. We are loyalists though so I can understand. If it weren't for my desire to randomly change things up, I would've missed out how well the Makos worked for me. It was the first time I really didn't over-tighten my laces and, as a result, I felt much more comfortable skating.
  16. Same. My dome is already big enough so I just have helmets extended as far as they can haha.
  17. You may be able to find some on eBay. Not as consistent but you can find them. I've found a couple over the years on eBay.
  18. Gotta love minor league hockey haha:
  19. The CCM V08 is the closet thing I can think of when it comes the Bauer 4500 "feel." I've been using the V08 for years now as an official and just bought another bucket for inline. Even though the Bauer 4500 was first helmet I used playing hockey, the V08 looks better in my opinion.
  20. Its a freak accident but making a "better" helmet cost money. And last time I check, these businesses aren't around for charity. The "Cost Benefit" isn't there for companies to pour in mad $$$$$ for R&D to create said helmet. This is a brutal occurrence that RARELY happens. Every time we strap up to step on the ice, there is always a chance that we won't make it. It sounds crazy only because odds are high stacked in our favor that we can return to the locker room and complain how much we stink ha. This is always an opportunity to be thankful for being alive. Technology will always improve but it can't prevent death 100% of the time. That's the harsh reality of sports and life.
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