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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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58 Good

About kyleo29

  • Birthday 05/01/1983


  • Skates
    Easton mako m7
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Warrior ax3
  • Elbow Pads
    Vapor x100
  • Shoulder Pads
    Sherwood 5030
  • Pants
    Bauer apx girdle
  • Helmet
    bauer reakt
  • Gloves
    Warrior ax2
  • Stick
    Bauer pro custom

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  1. So none of the pure hockey stores in my area stock the tf7 so I tried on the 9 and they fit great, can anyone confirm if the sizing and general fit would be the same in the 7? I usually don't like buying skates without trying on but if they fit the same then I'll buy the 7 online
  2. If anything they run big. I have a ccm pp10c pro stock shell in a size small that's around the same size as my medium retail shells
  3. Mako II skates for sure, changed the way I skate.
  4. What's your current curve? I went from a pm9 to the Kane pro curve and had no problem adjusting. If you are a toe curve shooter or like a short blade it will be a tough learning curve, but again it's all personal preference
  5. How many times can you get skates re-riveted? I swapped out my cxn holders on my mako skates for a pair of true holders with step steel. I've had to have all rivets replaced once and it seems every other skate I have a few rivets loose here and there. It feels like I get rivets replaced more than I get my skates sharpened. I go to a really reputable skate tech and I'm just concerned it could end up damaging the boot over time. Should I keep the holders, switch to tuuk?
  6. They will still have the Nexus fit available in a supreme boot
  7. I have used it for about 6 games now. I have always used a cage so I don't have any comparison to other fishbowls, but so far I've had zero fogging issues and ventilation is pretty good.
  8. Searching for old tackla or 9k girdles is fun. Everything else I'm over.
  9. How about a pm9 with the rocker profile of a sakic curve
  10. Big time interest on the gionta. Would buy immediately
  11. Have you tried the flare blade? Or mako and vh? If you don’t like these products and see them as a gimmick then don’t buy them. If other people like them, who cares.
  12. Anymore of a knee bend and I'm gonna look like I'm trying to take a dump on the ice..and still be on my toes too much
  13. I moved back to center recently and I feel off balance constantly when battling for position in front of the net. Any push from behind seems to send me falling forward. Maybe I just need an adjustment time
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