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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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marka last won the day on May 21 2024

marka had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

526 Excellent

1 Follower

About marka

  • Birthday 01/01/1970


  • Skates
    Mako M8
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Pro
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Ultra Tacks
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 11k
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    Easton Pro 15
  • Helmet
    Bauer Re-Akt 200
  • Gloves
    QRL Pro
  • Stick
    True XCore

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  • Location
    Youngstown, OH
  • Gender

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  1. Howdy, Assuming you can't find a visor that fits more narrow... Its not out of the question that you could heat the sides of the visor and bend it in, but I'd be worried about changing the optics. Of course, you could just tip the visor up so that you're not actually looking through it. Is there some reason you can't add more spacers to the sides and use longer screws? Mark
  2. Howdy, Well, the most obvious thing is that its flat, vs. having a hollow. Not sure that's an advantage. Seems a lot smarter to establish the start of the hollow with the coarser ring and then final cut it with a normal ring, vs. using the normal ring to establish the hollow as well. It would be interesting to see something from Sparx on what's different that makes this ok to use in the home machine / why they went with flat. Mark
  3. Howdy, Congrats!! Are you partnered up with any distributer / manufacturers? Mark
  4. Howdy, Around here (Pittsburgh, PA area) afaik its either USAH or nothing at all. Just to confirm, you're talking about insurance _for the players_ right? Not to protect the rink? There are a decent # of non-USAH rinks. I assume they have some type of liability insurance and that that's the main thing driving player gear requirements. But AFAIK none of that benefits the players as an excess medical / whatever like USAH insurance does. Mark
  5. Howdy, Its really personal preference. When you have your top hand be your right hand, that's called "left handed" in hockey, and vice versa. That hockey-handedness may or may not match your normal dominant hand and there are plenty of examples of it both matching and not matching. So... If it feels more comfortable and natural for you to have your left hand be your top hand, then just go with it. One way people figure out what hand they should be is to hand them a broom and have them sweep the floor. If they consistently have one hand on top of the broom, that's likely going to be the hand they're most comfortable with on the top of their hockey stick too. But I imagine like any rule of thumb, some folks are out there where having it reversed works better for them. Mark (ps... Welcome to hockey! Don't worry about being brand new at 15 years old... I was 46 when I started playing. 🙂
  6. Howdy, No experience with that jersey, so I can't help there. Some guys/kids I ref with don't wear elbows. I wouldn't do it, but I'm also the guy that wore pads underneath when I went to public skates too. If you're just starting out, want to see if you like it without spending too much $$, and you're doing games where you're not likely to get wiped out I would say you could skip elbows. Wear your player shins though. Sticks to the shins on faceoffs are super common. You could also check with local refs in the area to see if someone has an old jersey you could borrow / buy. Mark
  7. Howdy, I have one of these now as well. Protection feels as good or better than the 7092 girdle I was using before, other than tailbone protection. That seems a bit worse. I used a seam ripper to detach more of the loop on the back of the girdle to make it easier to hang up. Happy with it overall. There's not a lot of choice for a wrap style girdle out there. Mark
  8. Howdy, Has anyone successfully gotten SkateScribe service via mail order? Last I heard from Nathan / the service email, someone was going to reach out with an invoice / whatever and then nothing for a couple weeks. Mark
  9. Howdy, I just spray mine with 91% isopropyl alcohol, undiluted. Everything but skates. Mark
  10. Howdy, Yeah, doesn't look like a helmet piece to me either. Part of your bag maybe? Mark
  11. Howdy, Woohoo! Glad to see you getting back out. 🙂 So, full cage or sticking with the half shield? 🙂 Mark
  12. Howdy, Way to go! Glad to see a pic of you up and smiling. Well, "New England Smiling" anyway. 🙂 Continued progress on the healing! Mark (You're gonna get little tattoo stiches next to the scar, right? And go as Frankenstein for Halloween? :))
  13. Howdy, Hey man, been travelling and just saw this. Hope the procedure went well and you're annoying nurses right now! Mark
  14. Howdy, Stopped there this morning on the way through the area... Pretty decent! New Sticks were $140 iirc. Hockey socks for $10/pair, half shields for $10, game jerseys for $100. Lots of other stuff too. And this was at 11am on day 3. Thanks for posting it! Mark
  15. Howdy, Huh. I'm travelling to Maine this weekend and spending Saturday night near there. How good is this sale usually? Mark
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