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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. Buy this and use the ceramic edge to knock off the burr: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08VDCGYS1/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. I have a pair of customs for an AHL player that were returned. 7.5 length, E/A width forefoot/heel, thin tongue, oversized toe cap, 271 holders. Sounds like they could have been made for you 😉
  3. They seem about the same width and depth as the TF series. I have tried everything. The benefit of owning a store. Sizing for Bauer specifically on retail models: Mach: 7.0 Fit2 Ultrasonic: 7.5 Fit3 Hyperlite: 7.0 Fit2 Vapor 2X Pro: 7.5 Fit2 Supreme 2S Pro: 7.5 Fit2 Vapor 1X 2.0 : 7.5EE
  4. They seem about the same width and depth as the TF series.
  5. PSA about the new Catalyst skates for those that will be ordering online without trying them on in-store. We have noticed they fit roughly 0.5 SMALLER than other brands. This is the opposite of the previous generation of TRUE TF series skates which fit 0.5 sizes LARGER than other brands. For example, in the TF9 I wear a size 7, in the Catalyst 9X I wear a size 8, in Bauer/CCM I typically wear a 7.5 (excluding the new Bauer Mach and CCM ASV-Pro skates, which I wear a size 7.0) My suggestion is to try them in-store and not order online if possible.
  6. Here is info on the 2022 lineup. I have used all of them, excluding the new SVH model. https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:85882b7e-1b8b-3288-a9dd-53243a6c6bf2 TRUE rarely gives out demos or prototype units nowadays unless you are a really large dealer or a significant influencer for their brand.
  7. I removed the graphic and t turned out nicely on the FT4. I will see if I can find pics.
  8. Where did you buy them from? I talked to my CCM rep, who said that would qualify for a return under the 90-day guarantee.
  9. Well, this is partially correct. See this for better clarification: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:85882b7e-1b8b-3288-a9dd-53243a6c6bf2
  10. Official release date was pushed due to the holder issues.
  11. They are in store, we have been selling them for a while. The holder issue resulted in a recall that affected stores, some had a small percent with issues while others had to send a significant portion of their inventory back.
  12. Will do. Been buried with a bunch of business things and traveling.
  13. About 10 hours on usage weekly, so roughly 160 hours of actual usage. I do think they test this, but thats more for durability and not the stick "losing pop."
  14. About 120 days. I use a lower flex stick so they seem to whip out rather quickly.
  15. They are as stiff but the boot does offer more forward flexion than the previous models.
  16. Get the new ASV-Pro. The cap has been redesigned slightly. More overall volume that the Jetspeed and Ribcor.
  17. I think you need to work on your shooting mechanics. I cant see how this is an issue with the curve, lie, or stick.
  18. 100K because the 80K and 70K didn't fit me at all.
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