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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Miller55 last won the day on February 22

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334 Excellent

About Miller55

  • Birthday April 1


  • Skates
    True TF9 on sprungs/True TF9 on Tuuks
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior PS
  • Shin Pads
    S9 stealth PS
  • Elbow Pads
    Synergy 700 PS
  • Shoulder Pads
    Eagle pro frankenpads/APX2 caps and biceps
  • Pants
    Synergy girdle PS
  • Helmet
    Easton E700 PS
  • Gloves
    Easton Synergy PS
  • Stick
    Easton S19 kreps

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  • Location
    Phoenix AZ
  • Gender

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  1. Damn, I'm so sorry to read this. Brian was a really great dude and this is really sad. RIP
  2. I believe Joe (not John) Norris was involved with Keith. Not sure if they both sold to Thom or Joe stayed on our what his involvement is currently
  3. Thom bought up the remaining stock, as well as the rights to production of the Sprung frame. I have reached out to some folks to see if I could get a sample to try, would love to mount these and test em out
  4. I'm basically still in mostly Easton, but it has started to shift as some gear has worn down and I have yet to find replacements. Skates- was in Supreme or Nexus forever, two years ago went to True and haven't looked back (except I do have a pair of Mako 2s). Protective- I'm in Easton shins, girdle, chest and elbows still (all the old pro stock synergy protective), Easton gloves as well, with some Bauer, eagle and warriors mixed in. When the time comes for new under protective, I will definitely move to pro stock CCM though, as they have carried on the JDP stuff. Sticks- pro stock hockey sticks at this point, but I have a mix of Easton, Bauer, CCM and Warrior, although in the last 2 years I've pretty much only bought pshs
  5. Big fan of pro stock sticks. I have a bunch and just placed another full custom order. I also have quite a few curves in both the big brands and pshs version (nylander NXG and 2s pro, eichel, MacKinnon trigger/reckoner, Brayden point's coverts, Panarin jetspeed) and can say that the quality is definitely not worse, in some cases better on the pshs build. To each their own but I'm a big fan of the super round shaft, but I also used a trilage for like 3 years so you can't really trust me lol
  6. I use A7s and actually have not had longevity issues myself. I have a few pairs as I bought backups, but in reality I have only used one set for 3 years now basically, 3-5 games weekly indoor sport court and haven't had issues. The original a6 did have issues but the A7 are pretty sturdy. To be fully honest, I have not taken them apart to clear in about 19 months and they're fine, but I suspect that my laziness will affect the longevity down the road
  7. Panarin skates look like ribcor to me...? Interestingly enough, he was using Jetspeed sticks until the major supply chain issues last season, and then he went back to Bauer and scored a filthy goal with the Nexus and stuck with it after that. Can't find the clip but I recall him putting to the Bauer logo on the way back to the bench. Was against Florida iirc. Wonder if he's going to end up back in Bauer gear.
  8. Not sure, they don't seem much lower than my 2S pros though, maybe a drop
  9. Well, this just got interesting. Question for Thursday who have tried them- is the boot lower cut than TF?
  10. Possibly the foam package is more dense due to increased protection, but I'm not sure
  11. Pro stock Warrior Franchise ideally look for Canadian made, good condition, and the right sizing. Franchise gloves came in 13, 14 and 15 and 2 widths, narrow or std, which is more like a wide. The concern is that if you're going pro stock, there are lots of different specs and you won't always know exactly what you're getting, such as liner adjustments, extended or shortened fingers, materials, etc, so that's a big factor to keep in mind. For example, Chara wears 14s that are marked as 14s, but the fingers are extended because Chara is huge, but you would never know that from any markings on his gloves Personally, if you can swing the 2-250 for Eagle customs, and you can get through a couple more months, then I wouldn't think twice about it, and I think Eagle can make some of the x series gloves as customs, even though they don't offer it. Just gotta email Kelsey
  12. Pro stock Easton MiC or MiC Franchise. You can still get custom PPFs though, but the lead time is about 3-4 months for customs at this point. From the general options though, I prefer the Bauer Pro Series, which used to be Nexus. Light and durable and a nice liner. Warrior quality is horrible at retail these days, and CCM hg97 would be in the middle for me. But Eagle is the best out there at this point, and if you can wait a few months and afford customs then imo it's a no brainer
  13. I would try true and CCM. I was in Supremes before going to true. I didn't pass the pencil test but with the thick bobby Clarke custom tongues I never had lace bite, but the best skates I wore were Nexus 1000, just to give an idea on the depth I need. And true have been great for me, no depth issues
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