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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wolfpack_1986 last won the day on September 10 2024

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154 Excellent

About Wolfpack_1986

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    Formerly puck_it


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    Bauer something
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    bauer something
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    Bauer something
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    tackla zair 9000
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    Bauer something
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  1. Interesting new holders on this from Bauer's website....
  2. Lower manufacturing costs from reduced sku doesn't mean shit if you baseline everything on a premium product. Raw mat costs will increase in this paradigm (probably manufacturing costs too). Consolidation of skus gives the manufacturer substantive benefit when you see consolidation within a price point, or can convert enough market share into a new one by reduction of the number of price points.
  3. You just said it's the archer, not the arrow. Pick a curve ffs.
  4. Supreme had curv or it's predecessor for what 2 or 3 iterations before the vapor? At least the one95 and one100 Edit: errr I guess totalone was the top end after the 95
  5. After getting on the Zuperior S, Quad 0, and Glide 50.... i can effectively say the 10' stock is dead to me. good riddance.
  6. Steel: Tydan 238 Hollow: 90/75 fbv About me: I've become a decent skater, having taken up the game while in college 12 years ago. I'm small, and try to use speed to my advantage since I'm not getting it on size. Historically my weakest area in my skating has been stability, especially in crease battles. Review: I came to this profile from the Quad 0. I'll be honest, i didnt really want to try anything else after getting on the quad 0. However, the glide 50 was another solid performer. Differences from the quad 0 to the glide 50 are chiefly around the way the blade is used. The flat provides an increase in stability over the quad 0 at a loss of a little mobility. I feel the glide 50 is still a very mobile profile, allowing me to cut hard on a dime, but the difference in my opinion is in how you have to manipulate the edge. To achieve similar results with the glide 50, you need to lean back into your heel a little deeper than with the quad 0. If your skating style lends to that, i would actually prefer the glide 50 over the quad 0, because areas i felt it performed better were stability and top end speed. So it will come down to personal skating preference and trade-offs. Another side note. Im not sure if it was garbage ice, bad skating, or a "bug" in the profile, but once a game on this profile i "toe picked" with my heel on a transition from forward to backward skating, cutting into a crossover. I still have the 9.5/10.5 to try, but my current plan is to give the quad 0 and glide 50 each another go before I decide which to settle on. I'd like to better consider the mobility and top speed elements between the two. Mobility: 4 Stability: 4 Speed: 4 Acceleration: 4 Other profiles on deck: 10' (stock) Zuperior S 9.5/10.5 Quad 0 ***since ratings are subjective, I may revise my scoring based on experiences with other sets should I feel i was either to generous to too harsh on a particular aspect.
  7. updated rating to upgrade the stability. Follow up after trying Quad 0 and 9/50mm/10.5: I would have expected to want to do a longer term test on this profile after the initial pass. however, I would place this as third, and it does not make the final 2, for me. This really highlights the value of this program, for those that are on the fence. If i didnt try anything else, i would have been content that I upgraded my skating through a better profile... which is true. But there was better for my skating style and steel size. I'm thankful i had the change to explore.
  8. Steel: Tydan 238 Hollow: 90/75 fbv About me: I've become a decent skater, having taken up the game while in college 12 years ago. I'm small, and try to use speed to my advantage since I'm not getting it on size. Historically my weakest area in my skating has been stability, especially in crease battles. Review: I came to this profile from Zuperior S. My chief complaint about the zuperior s was that i felt the toe bailed out quicker than I would have liked. I'm very pleased that the Quad 0 solved this problem for me at a marginal loss of stability. The Quad 0 overall is a strong performing profile for my skating style, the first time i skated on it i have to admit my feet felt "on". Everyone has those skates where an aspect of your game is just clicking for you; i wasnt sure if it was a day i was feeling it or if the profile contributed. I put together a string of 4 skates in a row where i felt like my skating was where i wanted it to be, enough to say that the profile contributed to my skating during the trial period. Despite the marginal loss of stability from the zuperior s, i dont feel as though its enough to keep looking. For my preference, it is stable enough. Acceleration and mobility were significantly improved. I'm searching for a reason to knock on this profile, but nothing particularly comes to mind. I'm looking forward to longer term usage. Mobility: 5 Stability: 3.5 Speed: 3.5 Acceleration: 4 Other profiles on deck: 10' (stock) Zuperior S 9.5/10.5 9/50mm/10.5' ***since ratings are subjective, I may revise my scoring based on experiences with other sets should I feel i was either to generous to too harsh on a particular aspect.
  9. Just go to his second wedding. It's fine. Also. Interested of course.
  10. What about an LHS finder? Users can submit LHS info about shops they frequent for sharpenings and services... Might be a useful tool for those that have kids in travel hockey, finding a trusted store when they're out of town.
  11. Steel: Tydan 238 Hollow: 90/75 fbv About me: I've become a decent skater, having taken up the game while in college 12 years ago. I'm small, and try to use speed to my advantage since I'm not getting it on size. Historically my weakest area in my skating has been stability, especially in crease battles. Review: I came to this profile after skating on stock 10'. Stock 10' was a significant adjustment taking about 5 skates to truly be comfortable coming from 9' stock. I immediately felt comfortable on this profile, it had the surety and stability I had liked with the 10', plus a little extra on the heels. I also felt more comfortable executing tight turns and backward crossovers, two pieces of my game I felt like I lost with the 10'. Acceleration was improved, but still lacking. I have a little bit of the opposite issue I had with the stock 10' (too much toe limiting my push through)--I feel my toes sliding out a little prematurely than I'd like. I've been on this steel for two games, plus two long pickups (one being winterfest). Areas I like what this profile has given have been the turning especially, and also sound stability when transitioning from backward to forward skating while controlling the puck. The profile has suited my skating style thus far. I have 3 additional profiles in the queue, but I would not be surprised if this set makes it to the next round of comparison. Mobility: 4 Stability: 4 Speed: 3 Acceleration: 2.5 Other profiles on deck: 10' (stock) Quad 0 9.5/10.5 9/50mm/10.5' Edit 17-Feb: upgraded Stability from 3.5 to 4 ***since ratings are subjective, I may revise my scoring based on experiences with other sets should I feel i was either to generous to too harsh on a particular aspect.
  12. Steel: Tydan 238 Hollow: 90/75 fbv About me: I've become a decent skater, having taken up the game while in college 12 years ago. I'm small, and try to use speed to my advantage since I'm not getting it on size. Historically my weakest area in my skating has been stability, especially in crease battles. Review: I came to stock 10' a few months ago, coming from stock bauer ls2 edge steel (9'). Immediately, I hated skating on a 10' radius as it pertained to diminished turning ability, but found a significant step forward in stability from the 9'. Aside from turning, the biggest components I struggled with was feeling a bit too much on the toe, I did not feel like I could effectively use my steel in acceleration by getting full extension on my skates. After about 5 or 6 ice times, I started to adjust to the turning radius, leaning back into my heels a bit more, but I still feel a bit hampered in the agility department. Mobility: 2 Stability: 3 Speed: 3 Acceleration: 2 Other profiles on deck: Zuperior S Quad 0 9.5/10.5 9/50mm/10.5' ***since ratings are subjective, I may revise my scoring based on experiences with other sets should I feel i was either to generous to too harsh on a particular aspect.
  13. The orthotic might save you money in the long run. Won't need to get fit for each new pair of skates. Sounds like it was just a suggestion, because even customs won't solve every issue. To each their own.
  14. Makes great sense for a beginner, I'll agree with that. Maybe not the best strategy for experienced skaters for the reasons you mentioned, plus personal experience.
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