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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mojo122

  1. It will be attractive to a small subset of skaters. IMO Pulse TI is the way to go....
  2. Hard to say exactly what the build is of those players skates unless they're skating in off the shelf retail skates.
  3. Vapor and Supreme are still two different boot cuts and perform differently . As for inventory, on the models utilizing the 3 fit system the numbers are basically the same while those models using the 2D fit, inventory is less. Stiffer has always been seen as better from a performance standpoint. Question is as to whether the Tacks is too stiff and whether the RibCore isn't stiff enough.
  4. You would have measure that 7.5 against a size 8.
  5. If CCM and Bauer decided to cut down production costs by not doing 1/2 size lasts for retail skates folks here would be crucifying them....
  6. And I see more people trying on helmets looking in the mirror to see how it looks and not caring at all about how it fits....
  7. I've skated on both a Quad 0 and Quad XS on 254 runners and really did not notice any real discernible difference. I have no desire to try an ellipse. If I was going to do anything different than a Quad I would just go back to a 35/65 setup.
  8. Not a good look for True or their customer service.
  9. Show me the data that backs that up.
  10. I'm guessing that they don't perceive any performance gain over a composite 2-piece boot. The fact that almost 75% of NHL Players are skating in 2-piece boots between Bauer and CCM might back that up. After all they could easily introduce a monocoque boot if they wanted to seeing they bought the Mako skate.
  11. I'm curious as to what CCM's long term plan is for STEP? STEP doesn't come in any retail skate currently and my guess is that they probably have large inventories of their retail steel, which IMO is some of the worst steel out there. To be fair Bauer's stainless and LS1 is crappy too. As previously commented the majority of customers only care that there's steel on their skates.
  12. Agree on all these points and would add the tendon guard to your list...
  13. Not to mention IMO one of the worst holders ever....
  14. Carbon Curv is only currently on the Ultrasonic and 2X Pro.
  15. Partial, not full....readily discernible if you pull the footbed outs on senior size skates. I've played in every top tiered Supreme skate dating back to the One90. Huge difference when I went from 1S to 2S Pro.
  16. Going to disagree. I would compare the 3S Pro to be more like the 1S minus the the outsole (1S had a full composite).
  17. 3S Pro replaced the 2S in the Supreme line.
  18. You would think they'd have a better equipment manager...
  19. Nice...How's the balance?
  20. Both are performance palms and thin. I've had both and prefer mustang as digital on top of grip sticks is too grippy for me. Neither will be durable though.
  21. Wow, you know a Bauer rep. I'm impressed...
  22. No, changes to the toecap didn't occur until the Ultrasonic. I didn't notice a volume difference, just that the 1S fit bigger.
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