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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by adam14

  1. sorry for the size of the last ones. warrior and one95 are p92, green shaft and rbk are pattern 11 from harrow. all 85 flex all purchased over the summer for the upcoming season
  2. Blades from Harrow came in, outstanding communication and turn around time. can't wait to try them out.
  3. Were you at summer in the Park in North Bay? we had the same line up here, along with city and color over the long weekend.
  4. for anybody who listens to the gaslight anthem, Brian Fallon is doing a side project called Horrible Crowes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0DZqNpSQH4
  5. They had a pair of Naslund's gloves at the pro hockey life in toronto a couple years ago, and the employee told me they were just in the fingers because he had a history of fracturing fingers on slashes and stuff, and the metal along with the one piece fingers added a bit more protection
  6. do naslunds gloves still have metal inserts in the fingers?
  7. I'm sorry to hear that Starsfan. hopefully you continue to support her. My thoughts and prayers are with you, her and her family
  8. found a job for the summer. pretty excited because in my town it seems jobs are strictly on a who you know basis. People that i've talked to laugh at my job but i'm doing the training and it doesn't seem too bad, plus its good money. only downside is I work late every night, but I see that as a plus as well, since it means I won't spend as much money at the bar. haha
  9. wow Lamps, that's brutal. My condolences and thoughts and prayers are with you and his family. Keep your head up.
  10. probably one of my all time favorite songs.
  11. My grandmother had a heart attack today. Saw her in the Hospital, pretty shook up, she's on watch because it was pretty major. If you guys could say a prayer. I know I am.
  12. got a couple finals then i'm done for the summer, been steadily handing out job applications and going on a nice trip around easter. Plus the weather here in northern ontario is finally starting to warm up a little.
  13. I don't think they are, I never saw red nylon 40's at retail. but maybe they were available and my lhs just never had them
  14. blackberry bit the dust last night. just got it in june, Bell said it's not covered so a replacement is going to cost me 150, but my contract is up in June so I guess I should hold up and get one then, still sucks.
  15. does the creeper glove offer different cuff options as well?
  16. do those have blue palms?
  17. teams finally back in the win column. Boys played great and our goaltender stood on his head for us. feels good
  18. Broke my warranty replaced total one yesterday, had both of them for a compined 26 days. my loyalty with bauer one piece sticks is gone.
  19. Just because there's a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score. haha just kidding. keep your head up bud, girls are trouble, especially around college age.
  20. I believe there's a team in the Q that uses a similar glove colour combo to what you have there, too old.
  21. what padding package did you go with?
  22. where did you find that stick? looks like a demo
  23. got hit from behind trying to go wide on a guy in our game yesterday, slid sideways to avoid going head first into the boards, hurt my knee on the play, went to the doctor today and he thinks I may have cracked my knee cap.
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