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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Steve_v3

  1. I had a disease called primary sclerosing cholangitis. I was diagnosed in 1992. Had first transplant in 2007. Had a recurrence of primary sclerosing cholangitis in January 2014. Nightline did a story about my first transplant. Here is the story.
  2. First time back playing since my second liver transplant. My post in Sweet spot.
  3. Been through a lot the last 2 and half years. In 2014 Diagnosed with recurrent PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis) Tubes in my liver for three months in the spring. In July I had a massive infection in my kidneys. Where the doctors at one point told my wife I had 24 hours to start to improve or I wouldn't make it. Then my second liver transplant on November 7, 2014. In 2015 Had a hernia surgery in May Had another hernia surgery in October. In 2016 Finally got the OK to start working out in February. Starting public skating in May. Last night I got back on the ice for the first time since Summer Jam in Toronto in 2013. I wasn't very good last night, but boy did have a lot of fun.
  4. Finally had my surgery today. Had a hernia repair and removed a suture from my second liver transplant. Very sore nut hopefully I'm finally on the right path now.
  5. After sitting there for four hours they have to cancel my surgery.
  6. Going under the knife again. A need to have a couple of hernia's repaired. With some luck this will be it for a while. I've had my share of procedures and surgeries the last year and a half. This will be my tenth....
  7. Had my surgery yesterday. Turns out my pain wasn't from my sutures, but that I had a hernia. So I guess it was a good thing I had it done. Now I can finally get going in the right direction healing wise.
  8. Going in Friday to have some of my internal sutures removed. Hopefully this should take care of most of my pain I'm still having. Thankfully it's a fairly simple and quick procedure.
  9. Going under the knife again. hopefully for the last time.
  10. Freakin idiots in Baltimore. My Brothers & I were going to go to the Orioles vs. Rays game on Friday the first. They have moved the games to Tampa because those morons.
  11. This scar looks a little better than my first one.
  12. It's been a while since I've posted anything but it certainly a good one. I had my second liver transplant on November, 7, 2014. I had a recurrence of my liver disease, that required my first transplant on 6/20/07, back in January. Once again I was very fortunate that things went the way they did. Can't wait until I can get my life back to normal. Hopefully back to work in 5-7 months and followed by a return to the ice shortly thereafter. The surgeons had to make the incision bigger to accommodate the new liver. A total 46 staples
  13. I spent the last week in the hospital after having a PCT procedure with two drainage tubes in. Then on Wednesday when they went back in to upsize the tubes. Easily one of the most painful things I've gone through. I get to keep those in for three weeks. Then they will put in even larger ones. If I go by how these have felt It should be a wonderful spring. At least the Oxycodone is starting to work.
  14. Not too bad actually. The month of December was the best I have felt in a long time. I had a liver biopsy in December of 2012 and another one a couple weeks ago. Last year the biopsy showed very little in terms of anything wrong with the cells of the liver. This latest one showed significant scarring. That is there biggest concern on how fast the disease seems to progressing this time. I plan on getting back on the ice soon and trying to get myself in the best shape that I can be. That seemed to help last time. I barely lasted long enough last time to get a transplant. The told my wife to be prepared because I could have died at any time. They thing I can get a liver before I get that sick this time. Thanks for any and all support. It really helps.
  15. It' official. I've had a recurrence of my liver disease. I will be going back on the liver transplant waiting list soon. My doctors are guessing I should have about two to three years until I start to get sick for my liver disease. Then another three to four before I would need another transplant. I've been more angry than upset. I already did this once. Plus I've never smoked, drank, or done any drugs.
  16. Frustrating week so far. Had to get admitted to the hospital after undergoing a PTC test. The pain has only now started to calm down a little. It is still hard to take a deep breath & coughing is awful. What I thought would keep me out of work for four days now seems will be closer to a week and a half. Plus I've been stuck inside since I got home from the hospital. I promised to bring my daughter to a college hockey tomorrow so hopefully that will go well. I hope getting out of the house will be good for me.
  17. I'm really sick of having sporadic fevers for the last two months. None of my doctors know what is going on. Besides all the blood tests I've had I just had these: Had a endoscopy, showed nothing. Had a camera endoscopy, showed nothing. Had a MRI, showed nothing. Now I have to get admitted to where I had my transplant, Lahey Clinic. My surgeon wants to do a PTC procedure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percutaneous_transhepatic_cholangiography I had one last December and wasn't exactly fun. What scares me is unknown fevers usually result in three things: a type of a bacterial infection, Some kind of malignancy, or they resolve on there own. I'm down almost 15 lbs. since summer jam. I also haven't skated since then either.
  18. Have to go for an endoscopy tomorrow. After all the tests I've had this is one I haven't had.
  19. I saw the thread right after I made my post. Thanks.
  20. Have you had a chance to use the Warrior AX1 Elbows? How do you like them?
  21. I really hate my F%&*ing neighbor.
  22. Celebrating my sixth year Liver transplant anniversary today.
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