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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Steve_v3

  1. Worcester Sharks equipment sale Sunday May 5 12:00 - 1:30. http://www.sharksahl.com/story.asp?story_id=3531
  2. Snow is coming. My back is not going to be happy....
  3. Back on the ice for only the second time since Summer Jam. Hopefully I'll survive...
  4. I've been a little down lately but just saw my new PC it's on it's way! I sure needed a little bit of good news.
  5. Got home last night. Just waiting for the results from the biopsy. Hoping for the best.
  6. So far not the way I was hoping the day would start. Got back from the hospital from getting labs drawn and have a 100.0 fever. If my labs are elevated again I win an admission to the hospital, a CT scan and the grand finale... a liver biopsy. Hoping it's a bug and not rejection. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  7. People are freakin insane. Is it going to be a bad storm? Yes, but holy moly you need to fight over loaves of bread & milk.... The fact it was walmart probably didn't help matters any.
  8. Hard to believe it's been 5 years (today) since my Liver transplant. My wife helped put it in perspective last night. She was thinking of all the things I would have missed. Like my daughter's first day of school or losing her first tooth. Too many to list for sure. It's amazing how all the little things in life adds up in the end.
  9. C-diff followed by Pertussis followed by my colitis flaring up. Sick of being sick.... Oh great I guess I get to add c-diff again to that list.....
  10. Nice. How is the feel of Timonen's Easton RS's?
  11. HUGE shorthanded goal against the Wings tonight.
  12. They look like they turned out great.
  13. Can't get rid of this F&%@ing cough.
  14. ^^ ^^ They look nice. How's the fit?
  15. Not a Giants fan but thank god they won.
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