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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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EvilPepe last won the day on September 18 2014

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  1. This may not help the OP because of size availability at that point in the junior sizes, but the 80k skates in the E width are significantly deeper than the D width. I can't comment on the most recent skates (launched in the past 18 months) in either Bauer or CCM, but the 80k E's are the deepest stock boot I've found since the 2014 Tacks (the last generation Nexus would probably be second).
  2. Bauer, I'm guessing. The sales reps have been talking about this for months, and booking order documentation indicated the new "fit story" as they say (though I will confess to not having seen the actual order form as I don't deal with that anymore).
  3. I don't (personally) know of many Tampa fans that wouldn't agree that the officials were awful in the last game. I know they exist, I just don't associate with them.
  4. AHHH interesting. I didn't think it broadcast its own network. That is certainly more viable, then. Thanks!
  5. That's what I've been thinking about lately - a GoPro with wifi. The challenge would be that the primary rink I coach at has a very poor network. To date I've been using a budget samsung tablet on a tripod and hoping for the best.
  6. Howdy folks. So, I chose to title this pretty broadly as it might lead to a more productive discussion and eventual resource for others. If a mod disagrees, I can change the title (can I? Maybe you can instead?). I primarily work with goalies, and like to make use of a tablet for immediate video feedback. The problem is, the camera's on tablets are generally crap unless you spend a decent amount of money (and risk a greater loss when the inevitable puck/body catches it). Does anyone else use some sort of video/screen set up on the ice or bench during practice and have any suggestions for something that A) can produce adequate video for viewing immediately, and B) doesn't cost an arm and a leg? Thanks.
  7. I think as people get their head around not buying a CCM or Bauer skate, it becomes easier to ditch the holder (especially when they like the boot). Everyone we've put in the Step/VH/True holder has been pretty happy with them (granted it is a relatively small sample size).
  8. Vaughn goal skates predate this particular agreement with Graf.
  9. Give Sara at PAW a shout. I'm not sure if she does C/As, but if there is anyone who is sympathetic to your concern (and might be able to provide a solution) it would be her.
  10. It's actually more up-to-date...I don't recall ever seeing the one you posted, actually. Interesting. The one I'm talking about is also about twice the length, hehe.
  11. Since you mentioned No Rebounds... Steve McKichan released a pretty good .pdf guide to goaltending a few years back. It would be worth tracking down (it was free).
  12. Having not really skated much in a year, finally got my schedule to the point where I could get on the ice once or twice a week. Picked up new player skates and twigs, and got new goal pads and gloves. Even adopted a new dog yesterday. Broke my damn ankle tonight chasing the fast *&%^$& down the street. Now have to contemplate selling the pads (which were only used once) to pay for the medical expenses as my deductible is somewhat high, and I'm shelved for a minimum of 8-10 weeks.
  13. When brand new pads feel better on the first use than the previous set did on their fiftieth. Breaking stuff in is overrated.
  14. Right. You know that and I know that, but the first time you show little (or not so little) Johnny's parent and they realize they have to stick their hand in there, you've lost them :P
  15. Can't agree with this enough - I always tried to get travel parents to at least consider it. For $60ish they don't have to worry about closed pro shops, poor road sharpening, or the lack of FBV somewhere else. And while I'm usually the first to poke fun at Bauer's transition to Edge holders/steel, it has made it easier for many more to run with two sets of runners.
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