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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Beflar last won the day on April 9 2023

Beflar had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

53 Good

About Beflar

  • Birthday 05/09/1972


  • Skates
    Bauer Supreme One100
  • Hockey Bag
    HT4 - (Best new product)
  • Shin Pads
    CCM CL
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM u+ Pro
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM CL
  • Pants
    CCM FT1
  • Helmet
    8K RBK, Bauer RE-AKT Titanium
  • Gloves
    CCM CL
  • Stick
    Bauer N2 - 87 P92

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Hockey and family.
  • Location
    BC, Canada
  • Gender

Contact Methods

  • PSN

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11142 profile views
  1. Just a thought: By returning to a single profile, you might be rediscovering skating moves you've performed for decades off the heel of your skates. These same moves likely don't work as well with the larger heels found on some of the newer profiles.
  2. True Hockey recommends sharpening your skates in the 3/4, 7/8, or 1-inch range if you're using a profile like Quad or Zup. If you try that and still hate them, well... fair enough.
  3. Kids will wear what we tell them. For us adults it is a lot like using a mouthguard, if it is not comfortable people just stop using them. The though of wearing a scarf while playing sounds kinda bad etc. Maybe it is not that bad. If they have one with holes for air flow I would probably start there first. Free product idea for you guys if you want.
  4. Fair enough. Not going to watch that video thou. So what neck brace has the best ventilation because if it is uncomfortable we will all stop wearing it after a few tries.
  5. One of the functions of a preface is to explain WHY you are writing. I can't ask about the why. Got it. Note: There is a search function. Type in 'Neck guards'. Just don't tell anyone why you are searching for neck guards because it is apparently not important.
  6. The only reason we are talking about neck guards is because of what happened. Very first line in the post: "Terrible tragedy concerning Adam Johnson." Another quote: "This tragedy appears to have been avoidable from what I saw, I've never seen anyone's leg naturally extend how his did but that's just my opinion."
  7. Didn't see it but I heard it was basicly deliberate, some meat head doing something stupid.. Can anyone comment
  8. What is the custom going for Canadian, I'm seeing $679, is that right? I hear the custom helmet is bigger than the retail version? Is that true?
  9. I'm examining the lesser-known companies producing hockey sticks priced under $300 Canadian. Their mid-flex sticks can genuinely compete with the top-tier mid-flex sticks from established brands. If you prefer mid-flex, you're in good hands. On the other hand, replicating low-kick and hybrid sticks is challenging due to the extensive technology and patents involved. If you favor those types of sticks, you're somewhat limited to the major brands. It's tough for me to rationalize paying $429 for a mid-flex stick when there are excellent, more affordable alternatives available.
  10. I've noticed some guys cutting out some bars on their face cages. I've noticed some guys will go after the vertical bars, some will go after the horizontal. I wanted to hear from guys that have tried it and other people's thoughts about it as well. Thought's on safety vs improved vision etc. Or is there a product that does it all the right way?
  11. You do know this is a site about hockey equipment right? I've never seen someone get triggered over $1600 Canadian but has no problem with $550.. Would you like me to post about how excited I am buying $550 skates? Would that make you happy? I did that and they hurt my feet, which I thought was normal, till I bought the custom SVH, which was the point of the thread. You have a great day..
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