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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Beflar

  1. A little off topic. You mention lateral crossovers being the fastest way to skate up ice as being a newer revelation. Since I switched profiles on my skates to something that has more steel on the ice at the rear portion of the blade (11' single profile to a quad 0.5 profile) I noticed a HUGE difference in my crossovers. Do you think these newer profiles being more common are what is now driving the lateral crossover conversation?
  2. In terms of stiffness which do you like better? Having a hard time picking which stiffness would be better for someone like me. Been playing for 15 years but started when I was 30.
  3. I was under the impression that the CCM one piece boot design was selling well. That plus adding Step steel makes CCM a very strong boot IMHO. Currently skating in Bauer skates.
  4. Here is a question then, I have Bauer Supreme One100 skates. I'm a strong guy and even after all these years I can barely get the sides of the skates to move if I try and pinch them together. How would my skates rate on a CCM stiffness rating? I can't imagine the new skates being stiffer than this but I haven't tried the new skates.
  5. So Bauer in 2020 changed their skate fitting system with having three different types of fit for every type of skate that they make. Great idea as you are now no longer stuck with one type of skate because of your foot shape. I just looked at the CCM 2021 catalog and it looks like CCM are now doing this. Am I seeing this correctly? New helmets looks amazing btw. Probably won't fit me but I love the new tech in it. Can I post the link to the catalog here?
  6. The quad 0.5 was created for people skating on a single profile their whole lives. (I think one of the posters here played a hand in suggesting it). So it is a Quad but not as dramatic 8-10-12-14 vs 7-10-13-16, which is why a lot of people seem to like it.
  7. T Blabes and a Mirrored Visor. Yup... I was that guy...
  8. Small sample size before the lock down but when I dropped my sharpen to 3/4 from 5/8 I seemed to have a harder time pushing people. They seemed to be able to push and move me more. It felt like I couldn't dig in the ice as well to push a heavy guy etc. I love the glide and would never go back but like I said very small sample size. I use to wear a mirrored visor so take what a say with a grain of salt.
  9. A little off topic but if you play in a non contact league wouldn't you be better off with a shallow hollow, 3/4 etc? Or as shallow as you can make it?
  10. Great post. I just started using the Quad 0.5 before the shut down etc. I really like the Quad 0.5 (size 9.5 boot, 3/4 sharpen). I was wondering if you can tell me how the Ellipse 1 is different than the Quad 0.5 (8-10-12-14)?
  11. Just a guess. If the quad(0,1,2) usually jump by three like 7-10-13-16 ie. The quad 0.5 jump by two like 8-10-12-14 The elliptical probably jumps by one. So 7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16. ie. So when you make this way it basicly turns it to a elliptical.
  12. People who didn't know just thought I was skating hard because of all the noise I was making:)
  13. Pump the breaks. T blades worked and you never had to worry about someone giving you a bad sharpen or messing up your profile. That surgical steel was awesome, loud but still awesome. If T-blades came out with FBV or QUAD profiles I would use them today in a heart beat. Dear T-Blade: QUAD 0.5 with a 3/4 sharpen please. I use to wear a mirrored visor so take everything a say with a grain of salt.
  14. Try the Quad 0.5 next. It is very similar to the 9.5/10.5 you are thinking of trying. Good for you for trying all these profiles out for yourself.
  15. You did a good job my friend. Do you think the others are more gimmicky/different?
  16. You know your stuff and I'm not a pro, not even close. All I can say is that switching to the QUAD 0.5 makes playing hockey easier for me and therefore I'm having more fun. I can stay on the ice longer as I don't have to do much to maintain speed. My crossovers are solid and more powerful. I feel solid on my feet. It feels way more natural then balancing on the single profile I had before(11'). I'm just excited about this profile. I don't remember feeling this way switch from a 13' to a 11' to a 9' etc. The first time I skated on the QUAD 0.5 I liked it so much that I was literally mad that I wasted my time skating on a single profile for so long. So maybe it is best not to listen to me cause I'm a total fan boy at this point.
  17. Did pros use wood sticks? They did. Do they use them now? No. You get my point.
  18. Stupid question but I have to ask: Did you drop the sharpen when going to the Quad because that could be the problem? Went to the Quad 0.5 and they are a huge improvement over the single profile 11' i had. I had to drop the sharpen from 5/8 to 3/4 thou. The Quad profiles are not overrated IMHO but I only use the QUAD 0.5 which most people never talk about... I only ever hear about Quad 0,1,2.
  19. I still use this today. Best shoulder pads I have ever tried. Super light, don't even know you have them on yet can save you if you get into a car crash.
  20. You probably listed the most popular combo out there. Mid flex p92 87flex. I would bet these sell the most in most stores but I don't know for a fact.
  21. 82 sounds perfect for you. I'm 215-220 and use a 87 flex that is cut a few inches. I tried the 77 flex and found it to be unforgiving, great for wrist shots but it was a coin toss for the other shots.
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