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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by flyers10

  1. I think HG still has some P14 77 flex left.
  2. Nice! Man, been that long...wow. Just pulled out my CD and listening to some Positive Bleeding and Sister Havana.
  3. Got caught in a hail storm driving home from work. Golf ball to tennis ball size hail. 75% of my car got damaged. Cars around me got their windows smashed out too.
  4. Losing streak at 10. Mish-mosh team I got put on has had new players every season. Something like 5-35 record past 2.5 seasons. Maybe time to find a new league or just do pick up/stick times.
  5. SAK - I heard Behind the Mask in AZ will offer it soon in their new Scottsdale store. Is this accurate?
  6. Wife visiting family. Post game beers tomorrow night and watching some hockey and action flick with surround sound cranked up this weekend.
  7. Parents told me their going back to PA to visit family and will bring back Philly soft pretzels, Tastykakes and Yuengling beer.
  8. You should be able to get a used transmission for $800-$1000. Possibly as low as 500-600 if you can haggle with the shop. I had a 98 Civic done. It would have been $750 but my relative did it for the parts cost. Call some junkyards and see what they have. You'll know at least what major part cost is and then will know if a shop is killing you on their labor.
  9. New season started last night. Only 3 returned from winter season. All new cast. We got smoked 8-0. Gonna be a long summer. [sigh]
  10. Around what month would you expect dealers to start lowering the price on X60 skates? October? January? If it is fall I may wait to pick up a pair.
  11. Newer Matthew Lombardi prostock X:60. Was used ever so lightly. Steal at $60. :) Love it.
  12. The next Vapor skate line is scheduled for when? Spring 2011?
  13. Just picked up a used Lombardi X:60 prostock 87 flex for $60. Looks like he used it only one time for some passing. No scratches or chips on it. Shoots great.
  14. I went from 1/2" to 100/50 and it works well for me. I haven't noticed too much bite at all at 100/50.
  15. Seem a lot of places are out of the One95 non-grip in Naslund and don't have the updated Backstrom available. I remember seeing some of the newer Kane,Backstrom for sale couple months back. Ice warehouse says Bauer is out of P92 until spring. Is that accurate?
  16. My C league let I think every team pick up new guys who are B league skilled except for ours. (And we were the last place team in the summer) They made us drop our 1 B level kid and now we are getting schooled by former college and junior show offs.
  17. I have never noticed much from the Externo's Reflex Bar but the inside of them has to be one of the most comfortable skates I have ever put on.
  18. JR - How does the Blademaster BFD compare to the FBV?
  19. What's the difference from the X:40 stick to the X:50?
  20. Summithockey - What are you going to be offering? 100/75, 100/50, 90/75...more? You beat BTM to it.
  21. For Arizona, Behind the Mask is supposed to start doing FBV in the near future. They estimate maybe between December - February they will start doing them at their Chandler store.
  22. I am on a FBV for the first time and I have felt that "washout" feeling. I feel it on all edges so I'm pretty confident that the issue is not the skates but a mental one for me. My rink usually has very hard ice. I just have to trust my edges more. Once I do that I know the "washout" will be gone.
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