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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Shipping to Australia kills me :(
  2. oooo 65 Flex!! Where?!?!?!
  3. anybody know if you can do CCM Tacks ice boot's ( pro stock ) and throw a hi-lo chassis on them?
  4. ^^^ They are AMAZING!!! Have always loved the Islanders gloves
  5. how long did it take to get used to shooting more from the toe? I have started doing this after watching a few videos. My shot is a hell of a lot harder but my accuracy is just shit
  6. Think im going to try this soon. Current RX60's are starting to become uncomfortable after long periods of time and inline just doesn't seem to have many options :( Although the APX2R look good!! It's hard not been able to try much of the gear on in Australia, do te ice and inline boots fit EXACTLY the same??
  7. Loving the Red wings Gear (:
  8. thats an awesome collection of sticks, i need to head over to the US one day and buy a shitload of gear
  9. ooo i love everything red wings :D wish i could get my hands on a few things with the name Datysuk or Lidstrom
  10. omg those white eagles look so good
  11. Nice room, am loving the XXXX
  12. They look awsome what size are they?
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