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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Biggest hockey pet peeve....

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  Reaper said:

2) Rec hockey players who use an Easton Stealth. Your shot may be 1 MPH faster but let's see you try and take a pass. sheesh.

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I never care what other people use. What bothers me is when the kids (and they're always kids) rag on someone else for not using a Stealth, G3s or Eagle gloves.

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  Reaper said:
2) Rec hockey players who use an Easton Stealth. Your shot may be 1 MPH faster but let's see you try and take a pass. sheesh.

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I use a Stealth and can receive a pass just fine.

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  Chadd said:
  Reaper said:

2) Rec hockey players who use an Easton Stealth.  Your shot may be 1 MPH faster but let's see you try and take a pass.  sheesh.

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I never care what other people use. What bothers me is when the kids (and they're always kids) rag on someone else for not using a Stealth, G3s or Eagle gloves.

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I should have qualified that statement.

I hate it when rec hockey players who have no hands use an Easton Stealth. It's along the same lines as a bad driver thinking that expensive racing gloves are going to make him a great driver.

These are the guys that go "hey, check out my new Stealth. It cost 300 bucks. It's so awesome..." and then you watch the puck deflect off their blade for like 10 passes in a row.

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Home town refs, players jumping you from behind whille beating you, players who smoke weed before the game and are useless on the ice, players who play to socialize and not too win, lil' kids who don't shut their mouths while I'm reffing so I give them 2 10's and I have to right a report, parents/players who act like they know everything (not saying I do know everything), players who are biased and won't pass, cheap shots after you score...I think that covers the most part.

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i hate it when one of the best teams around are down a goal or something... they start to panic and really play dirty... really takes the sportmanship out of the game.

i've also stopped playing competitive hockey... mainly play pickups on weekends now...

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  Bruin88 said:
i hate when people call it the synergy red or synergy yellow and all that ,im not sure why it just bugs me.
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i bet alot of people tell you to lighten up.

I hate parents/kids that think they know everything. and when the kid parents think there kind is the next best thing when actually they arnt very good. Or when people are like whos better between me and this guy, a guy that didnt make my team always asked me that i alway told me the truth and told him the other guy wis better.

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am i the only one who really doenst have a pet peeve regarding hockey? i mean the trash talk is all part of the competitive spirit and it can be both satisfying and embarssing, but to me nothing really upsets me over the top in hockey

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  ktang said:
(ii) Getting hit after scoring;

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I love getting hit after scoring...I don't know why...I guess I can just feel the defenceman's frustration, and it gives me pleasure...

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Some of the things that I hate.

1) Big shots..guys at the gym who have never played against you but think they are better then you because they wear a T-shirt that says AAA.

2)People telling me what I can and can't do. You haven't seen me play don't tell me what level I'll make.

3) Guy putting you down because your small or your total equip. budget cost as much as their 2 sticks. My favorite comeback. "The stick doesn't score the goals for you"

4) Dads who think there kid is going to make it. But they don't realize that their kid is the worst person on the team. And yelling is just embaressing the poor guy.

5) Kids who tell you to pass more when they can't even keep up to you and they are always behind you. (Pickup) :angry:



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  Bruin88 said:
i hate when people call it the synergy red or synergy yellow and all that ,im not sure why it just bugs me.
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Same here, and when hot shots are just running their mouths, talking about how crappy some stick or pair of skates is, and they have no idea what theyre talking about.

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  Hockeyman9621 said:
People who show up drunk or high to any kind of hockey and sit there and brag about it.

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I agree, I had a kid like that on me team last year most of the time he would come high or he would sit there before the game talking about being high or asked us every game if we smoke it. He was a real Di*k and also he would always say he could kick someones as* before the game but he would never do anything in the he wouldn't even hit <_< (the kid wasn't all that good, just good at running his mouth at people and never doing anything about it)

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I'm surprised this one hasn't come up yet.

How about when people start skating on the ice before it has a chance to refreeze? Let the ice sit for at least 5 minutes then it will be much better for the game.

Go on the ice right after the Zamboni doors are closed and you'll have ruts and slush for the entire game.


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  jjtt99 said:
I'm surprised this one hasn't come up yet.

How about when people start skating on the ice before it has a chance to refreeze? Let the ice sit for at least 5 minutes then it will be much better for the game.

Go on the ice right after the Zamboni doors are closed and you'll have ruts and slush for the entire game.


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stop your crying...

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This isn't a pet peeve, but I certainly lost respect for another team tonight.

A team in our league is not that good, since they're basically getting too old. However, looking at their roster, it's obvious one guy said his son is old enough to play now. Okay, fine, I can live with that. The kid's probably a top three player in the league, but he's playing with his dad.

However, he obviously told the team his buddy is back from playing somewhere. This kid is leading the league in scoring by a large margin and the team has only lost the one game he didn't show -- badly. We played three weeks ago and outshot them two to one, but buddy scores on four breakaways. We tie the score with thirty seconds left. At the faceoff, they put their youngest players out, which they hadn't done all game. Sure enough, they score with ten seconds left.

We played them again tonight, which is the halfway point of the summer season, and they added a player tonight who's every bit as good as buddy. We didn't outshoot them this time, but the two kids figured in every goal. Now, I play every Saturday night with the top team of the next level up, and that team would take these two in a second, and maybe Junior. We score on a 5-on-3 with ninety seconds left to pull within one. At the faceoff, they put their four youngest players together on the penalty kill. Again, that combination hadn't been on the ice all night.

I had a tough time respecting the young kids celebrating as much as they did on their goals, because it's so apparent they don't belong at this level. I just don't see how it can be all that fun. Scoring against guys that are as good or better than me -- that's fun.

But I really lost respect for the older guys on the team for basically telling their young players these past two games, "Hey, go win the game for us."

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  A_Steeves12 said:
  Bruin88 said:
i hate when people call it the synergy red or synergy yellow and all that ,im not sure why it just bugs me.
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i bet alot of people tell you to lighten up.

I hate parents/kids that think they know everything. and when the kid parents think there kind is the next best thing when actually they arnt very good. Or when people are like whos better between me and this guy, a guy that didnt make my team always asked me that i alway told me the truth and told him the other guy wis better.

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i dont say anything about it but they say whoa i got an orange synergy and so i say oh ,the si core? right on and theyre like....what? they just buy it cause it costs more and have no clue what theyre buying. i guess i shoulda made it clearer the first time i posted. i also dont like when peopel with good hands but cant do anything thing else think theyre soooo hot....i had an experiance with that at drop in hockey but i still lit him up a couple times :)

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Everyone adds summer league ringers in beer leagues though, and those guys have decided its better to win on the backs of the kids than lose as a bunch of vets...

I don't blame the kids per se..its nice to be told by a bunch of old guys "go win the game"..hell I get calls to play in some christian league as a ringer, how ironic is that, even though I'm a legit sub paperwork and all...

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  jjtt99 said:
I'm surprised this one hasn't come up yet.

How about when people start skating on the ice before it has a chance to refreeze? Let the ice sit for at least 5 minutes then it will be much better for the game.

Go on the ice right after the Zamboni doors are closed and you'll have ruts and slush for the entire game.


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I have to agree with that. Since I'm a Stickhandler/finness player it's worst for me.

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