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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best ops for puckhandling

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I have used wood or 2ps all of my hockey career and I am now interested in purchasing a ops. I love to stickhandle and I am afraid once I purchase a ops that I will not be able to feel the puck, I have read over the reviews of hockey sticks and I am still unsure of what stick I should buy or what stick is the best for puckhandling, any advice is appreciated.

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eastons synergy SL is pretty good. i wasnt a big fan of it for a long time but once u get used to it(it took me 4 months) its a really good stick. i also like teh synthesis with a sicore blade. it has really good feeel i thought

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I would say, in your case, the ligther the better...but i heard the stealth do not have a super great feel, and the xn10 it like a 60%-40% situation of better like it or not...

And since you was playing with wood which it not super light...I would go for the SL..light and suppose to have a great feeling...and not so pricy...compared to the stealth...

For me what i use is the R2XN10 with the great feeling of the syns si-core blade! but kinda pricy!

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Impossible question to answer.

ok what are some good ops for puckhandling?

What you feel most comfortable with. Everybody has there own prefrence.

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In my view, Innovative(1100) has the best feel for puckhandling by a long long way! I know that there products are harder to get and alittle more exspensive, but well worth it!! If you look at it you spend heaps of money on a stick , hate it because it has zero feel, and you are back to square one. If you spend alittle extra time and money find the right Inno stick(curve, flex), it is well worth it!

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in terms of feel, i have to say hespeler alpha nemesis out of the sticks i've tried. the second would be inno true 1. that said, i haven't played with any of the new cats like the SL or adrenaline or vapor XXX

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Hey-o Kovalev...

This one isn't THAT difficult to answer... composite OPS' all have very different attributes; some good, some bad.

As far as feel, you might have to go outside the box to get a pleasant feeling stick.

Some recommendations for OPS:

Salming G1 - pleasant puck feel, good release, good durability

Fury Diamondback - pleasant puck feel, not as good release

Christian Torch - pleasant puck feel, err on getting more flex than going too stiff and you'll be in great shape. These are very durable too (60 day warranty)

Other serious options... TAPERED SHAFTS w/ WOOD BLADES = great hybrid

Mission L-2 Shaft

Christian Torch & Torch Lite Shafts

I know Chadd has some of the above mentioned in his hockey shop. You can PM him if you want any additional info on these sticks.

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Synergy ST is a little heavy, but also pretty good feel.

If you think that an SL or any OPS is heavy, you have muscle problems.

he said ST not SL.

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he said ST not SL.

My mistake. An SL weighs all of 25 more grams than a ST :rolleyes:

I really hope that he was comparing the ST to other sticks. 450 grams still isnt very heavy at all.

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Do yourself a favour and stick with wood. You won't regret it, believe me. Don't get caught up in the hype, weight IS NOT everything. If you can't feel the puck how can you stickhandle into a position where you can shoot it? Think about it.

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You could always try one of the Busch sticks. I think the Gold is like 550gr and the lazer 525? (someone correct me if it's the lazer that's 550).

Regardless, great durability, great puck feel. However, their technology for performance is a bit behind the times. While it performs far better than your average wood stick, they don't do anything regarding engineering kick-points and they do not come tapered.

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I always felt the OPS was for shooting, not puckhandling or stickhandling. If you're playing D on the point the OPS is great for the slapshot, as a forward the OPS is all about quick release when shooting. I think to choose a OPS based on puckhandling is a PP all the way. I have used Synergy Grip Gold- always felt comfortable shooting, passing, receiving passes, stickhandling. Same experience with Louisville Rubber Response. The Si-core also had the same qualities. My SL lasted less than 3 months before the blade fractured and I do not take alot of slapshots, even though I play D. For stickhandling it felt great. I now have a Vapor XXX Sr in 77 flex. This OPS is excellent. The blade feels different than Easton when taking a pass, just a matter of touch. I like the whippier flex in a OPS. I think that will also factor into your stickhandling and feel as a first time user with a OPS.

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Maybe I'm wierd but my two favorite OPS' for stickhandling is the Stealth and Sicore, which are geared towards two different ends of the spectrum with the stealth being a "hot" face, and the SiCore supposed to be a more deadened wood feel. The thin blade on the stealth just feels great for stickhandling to me.

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my freind talked to an nhl scout and he told him that he should be using a wooden stick or a sicore stick because a wooden stick gives you great feel and the sicore stick has a silicon insert which makes it softer therefore making it easier to handle the puck.


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my freind talked to an nhl scout and he told him that he should be using a wooden stick or a sicore stick because a wooden stick gives you great feel and the sicore stick has a silicon insert which makes it softer therefore making it easier to handle the puck.


That's like saying you talked to a runner and they told you to buy shoe X because it's comfortable. It's all personal preference. Some feel the sicore insert doesn't do anything. Some feel it helps. I think you can feel it, but a lot of it is in your head. If you don't use the equiptment that feels right for you, you're not going to perform as well as you can.

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my freind talked to an nhl scout and he told him that he should be using a wooden stick or a sicore stick because a wooden stick gives you great feel and the sicore stick has a silicon insert which makes it softer therefore making it easier to handle the puck.


That's a nice way of saying he needs to work on his hands.

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