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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ribeiro's new skates

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This picture was taken by a member of HFBoards at the Habs and Thrashers game last night.

What kind of skates are those? I know Ribeiro is sponsored by Mission but those skates don't look like any Missions I've seen.


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Looks like a Mission DART on the side quarter.

I like the reflector tendon guard patch.

also...looks like a formed heel pocket? Justin, am I right or am I right.

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new Mission's.....

Is Belak wearing the L7 skates? I could see they were Missions, but couldn't make out the model. I know its a newer skate.

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Hopefully they feel better than they look, though they couldn't sell much worse than the L's in any case.

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So anyone know when those new Mission helmets are coming out? They look awesome. And anyone notice that Ribeiro's pants look too big for him? :D

you'd wear pants that big too if you played in the NHL....

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