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What number do you wear

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There's a guy on my beer league team at home that wears #99. Worst player on the team.

Don't wear a number like 99,66, 68, 87, 88, 69.... Any number that's solely associated with one big name is a bad move. Other then that, anything but 30 or 1, lest you piss off your goalie.

I don't really think single or double digit numbers really matter position wise. #9 Used to be the number that gave to the big guy on the team- the star forward. Howe, Richard, Hull...

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Naturally some can get hung up on what number to wear. As though they hope the number will symbolize the person in some way or they derive strength from a particular digit. And of course to some it does.

I don't think it is a bad thing to want to be recognized by a number. The advice you seek is likely already answered by yourself anyway.

In hockey I have always liked wearing #67 but in softball I am indifferent to what number is on the back.

There perhaps should be nothing wrong with wearing numbers like 19, 68 and 99. I mean some of us probably wear professional team's jerseys and apparel, game worn jerseys and pro team license plates and all that when we are not playing. There should be anything wrong with honoring your favorite player or team when you play. But there just is.

Just like that guy you see on the highway with some Nascar race car number sticker on his Suburban.

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Stay with your 6...it's your number, who cares what position you play. I was always #11 until I joined a new team about six years ago, and someone else already had that number. I had no other number in mind, but I wanted one I hadn't really seen much anywhere, so I settled on #74. I live in St. Louis (go Blues!), and TJ Oshie showed up a couple years ago with #74. Now, thanks to him, everyone has a #74 jersey!!!

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I know it's a bit of a pointless question, and it's pretty unimportant, but I was thinking about it and thought I'd share. I'm pretty superstitious but fancied something different, we'll see I guess!

Thanks for the replies anyway!

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i usually wear 2 and in the spring i'm going to change my number to 63.

why? because i'm bored of the number 2. numbers dont have to have any meaning or reason. just go for something you like if you feel you want a change.

i use 2, and i always do or some variation with 2 in it if its taken, i just like it and always try to stick with it, i have a connection with it :), its not football :P your position doesn't mean you need this certain number

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I grew up with 9, switched to 67 for a season, went back to 9. I guess I just like my original number more. I did take 16 over the summer for Brett Hull...that was fun. I would be happy with most popular numbers (4, 8, 10, etc), I don't know if I'd like a random one like 23 or 48 or 62 or something.

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I keep 2 numbers in mind. I pull a hossa/Satan trick. Satan and Hossa wore #18. When Miro Satan made it to the NHL, he wore #81, Same with hossa from Pittsburgh to Detroit. I wear 14 when I'm playing a sport other than hockey. I wear 41 in hockey. If I couldn't wear either 41/14, I'd pick 4, 5, or lest I anger the resident goaltender, I may choose 1.

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Joined a new team this year, and we're just about to order jerseys. I've played roller hockey for twelve years and always worn #6. No real reason - I got given it for the first game I played in and have kept it at whatever team I've been at since then. My big brother always wore #5 and it just stuck.

However, this year I've started playing ice. I'm a defenceman normally but I'm being used as a forward on the ice, and I think #6 would look weird on a forward. I'm tempted to change, but to what?

I was born in '86, but that's a weird number to have on a jersey. I like 19, for no real reason. My house number is 25, my birthday is the 30th (also would look weird), I like 24 (and it adds up to 6...)

Bit of a pointless post but thought I'd ask anyway!

I'd say wear whatever number you want to wear; sounds like you should go with the #6. However, you might want to have a secondary number in mind, just in case you join another team down the road where someone else already has the #5.

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Im just gonna throw this out there, I think righty's and lefty's can and can't wear certain numbers. Here's my list for numbers that correspond to handedness (disclaimer: take anything I say on this site with a grain of salt).

The rules







If you're not a goalie dont wear any number in the 30's or #1. 23 and 29 are brutal numbers, and if you're not in the show don't wear a number above 44 unless you have to because every thing is taken or you have a story as to why you wear the number.

(disclaimer #2: I dont care how stupid you think that is)

Edit: I wear 10 or 26 when ever they're available

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^What on earth gave you that idea, and how the hell did you come up with those lists?

I'm actually quite curious as to the rationale.

I couldn't tell you really haha, its something ive noticed in the nhl sort of. like alot of right handed d are number 4, and the majority of #13's are leftys. (yes i know that bobby orr was number 4 and sundin 13)

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a lot of the 13s are Russian too. Not sure how that relates, just thought I'd be the one to throw in a random fact for a change.

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To expand upon the idea of numbers of significance and country of origin, I believe that many players pay homage to their home country with their number- most notably 1968 and 1991.

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I like 10 cuz it's a good classic number for defenders and forwards. If it's not available I go rouge and add my birthday to create a new school number. 5/10/66 = 81.

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I've never really had a set number that I was attached to. I'm currently wearing 2 on my beer league team, but I've worn quite a few different numbers, 4, 7, 11, 17, 23, 44, 96. I think there were couple of other numbers I've used that I can't remember. Only a couple of those I wore for more than one year.

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Stuck with 13 for every team, then when it was unavailable I'd just go with something that had a sum of 13. Was going to go with 7 for our twins' b-day (7/7/07) but it was taken, so I've stuck with 77 the last couple of years.

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I started out with #2 for Brad Park when I was a squirt d-man in the '70's. Then moved to #6 as forward in honor of Alain Langlais of the New Haven Nighthawks. By the time I was in high school I took whatever the heck they gave me.

6 is a fine number. If you can get it, take it.

But at the end of the day if you can put the puck in the net, nobody will care what digits are on your back.

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To expand upon the idea of numbers of significance and country of origin, I believe that many players pay homage to their home country with their number- most notably 1968 and 1991.

Mogilny - 89...was the year he defected is it not?

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To expand upon the idea of numbers of significance and country of origin, I believe that many players pay homage to their home country with their number- most notably 1968 and 1991.

Mogilny - 89...was the year he defected is it not?

From Mogilny's Wiki page:

In the Soviet Union, he played on a line with center Sergei Fedorov and winger Pavel Bure, a lethal combination that is best remembered as one of the most productive lines in hockey history, as all three posted spectacular numbers with their combination of speed and puck-handling skills. He represented the Soviet Union in 1988 and 1989 at the World Junior Championships, winning the Best Forward award in 1988. Mogilny also played for the senior Soviet Team that won a gold medal at the 1988 Winter Olympics. After the medal ceremony of the 1989 World Junior Championships, he left the Soviet team and defected to North America with the help of representatives of the Buffalo Sabres, the NHL club that had drafted him, 89th overall, a year earlier in the 1988 NHL Entry Draft. Mogilny chose the number 89 in recognition of both the year he defected and his place in the draft.

Jágr wears the number 68, which he has worn through his entire career, in honor of the Prague Spring rebellion against the Russians that occurred in Czechoslovakia in 1968, also the year in which his grandfather died while in prison.

Fedorov defected in 91.


Mogilny - Fedorov - Bure or Ovechkin - Malkin - Kovalchuk which line is more scary? :)

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we'd need a seperate, 15-page thread for that one... that'd get heated.

I find the numbers stuff very interesting. When I was playing travel hockey I had a lot of queestions about my number and my response was always it's the biggest size jersey we had :)

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In football I wore: 1 (Safety), 10 (Safety/BackupQB), 91/80 (WR/CB somehow they lost the dark 80 jersey), and 88 (WR for Lynn Swann in middle school).

On the hockey teams I've been on I've worn one number: 82. For the team I sub on I've wore 6 last season and 87 (red crosby jersey when we play a team who has black jerseys) or 7 (Augusta Lynx black jersey) this season.

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