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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What pattern do you use?

What pattern do you use?  

230 members have voted

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I know many guys find pro returns and use those, but, I am looking to find out what retail patterns most guys use.

Many companies tell us that Modano/Forsberg, or the clone, is the most popular. Let's find out.

Also, if you use a pro pattern, vote "PRO RETURN" and let us know what it is. However, if you use something like a Easton YP or TPS P19, which we all know are both Drury Retail, please vote Drury.

If you use something from another company that is not a clone, then, vote "OTHER."


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Usually a Sakic or similar clone (TPS Nash, Inno Mogilny). Also use a Reebok Datsyuk occasionally. I used Shanahan forever until the new high-end Eastons discontinued the Shanny pattern. Switched to Sakic and I've adapted and like it better than the Shanny.

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I really like the sakic Pattern i find the puck just flys off the blade ive also tried the modano/forsberg pattern witch would be my second favorite pattern.but its just not the same.

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Shanny had been my preference, and thats what I voted for...but I just bought a couple cheap old thornton easton woodies that I'm going to try tonight. I haven't had much experience/success with heels, but I'm liking how these thorntons look.

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I use the Harrow pattern #4 which is a Recchi clone but it's more of a toe curve. I find it works wonders for me. It offers a large sweet spot for slap/snap shots as well as wristers because of the toe curve.

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Thanks for the poll, GM. I was going to create one myself because I want Sweden to add curves to our lineup, but this helps to get some hard data.

For instance, I often see people tout the Iggy, so I was going to ask for that, but so far it only has 4% of 75 votes. Interesting.

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Thanks for the poll, GM. I was going to create one myself because I want Sweden to add curves to our lineup, but this helps to get some hard data.

For instance, I often see people tout the Iggy, so I was going to ask for that, but so far it only has 4% of 75 votes. Interesting.

I'm a iggy man...and i really think you should ask for one...really think about it...EVERY COMPAGNY has their modano-sakic-lidstrom curve(even the small compagnie like powertek)

I found the modano to be a EXCELENT blade for shot but need a bit more toe or curve to stickhandle

So iggy is perfect for me...a bit more curve but not too much

Think about it...Easton=iggy CCM=Recchi is the closest Bauer=Lindros more of a sakic to me(after using it for 4 pratice) TPS=Messier is more modo and nash is more sakic Inno= it is so rare to have inno stuff...dont think about it

So if you take a look...none of these compagnie to have iggy(that why i have 3 synthesis iggy and 2 z-carbon)

IMO. Iginla is the best all-around pattern for young player...small shouldn't use sakicish curve..because of the too big curve...lidstrom too hard to stickhandle IMO...Modano need a bit more curve to shoot for these young guys..

a curve like coffey,recchi, iggy are the best all-around if you ask me..

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