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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best deal you've ever gotten

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outside of gear gratis from the mfg's..the 2 pairs of Pro Tacks I picked up for the better half @ $50 each was pretty good :huh: , also got her Betty's for $29 and some HGT's for $30

I also bought a new TPS shaft for a penny, plus s/h of course.....

hopped on that M1 deal for $69 at HG..although while its held up well..no stick can withstand Nor Cal womens hockey players and its now on its last legs...

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cosmetic blem. XXX's for $437 cad, have had on probalems with them sio far(knock on wood) i think that a good deal considering they are $699 + tax here.

i got a pair of used prostock eagles for $33usd and a josh green game used synthesis for 40usd.

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Tonight I'm getting a pretty much brand new Synergy ST Grip shaft for free woot...otherwise it's been a brand new Int. Synergy for 20 bucks. I got a pair roller skates for free from my friend

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Sande 980s for $5 +shipping B)

you forgot to mention it was badly used


speaking of nike flexlite 12, one new pair went on ebay for 214usd. i was gona bid but didn't have cash lying around

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Sande 980s for $5 +shipping B)

you forgot to mention it was badly used


Not badly enough lol. I still gotta get palms for em though. Those, I'll admit, were thrashed. Otherwise, they're still usable :lol:

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mission D1 prototype skates(presumebly they said typem on the syde but were d1 graphics and spec) for a shirt which cost me £15 GBP. (swapped them with sum1 from team USA at the world champs a couple yrs back.

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Dito what the above three said.

Other than that I once got a real steal in buying a 10-pack of Bernie Nicholls pro Victoriaville woodies for 40$ back in 1996.

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Mission S500 skates for 120$ canadian.

My Uncle coaches a college team down in Wisconsin and i got a good deal from him

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