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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sonny ReVerb

Skate tongue placement?

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I've read that putting your shinpad over your skate tongue gives you better protection. I just got some new shinpads that bump the top of my skates (lifting them off the knee slightly). If I put the tongue under the shinpad they might be ok, but it seems like they're meant to rest on your shin. What do y'all recommend?


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I put mine behind my tounge. I dont see how behind or infront could provide better or worse protection, its still blocking that area of your leg. When I first started playing I put it out front of tongue but I felt like I had less flexibility and mobility when skating.

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I've just always worn them under the tongue and have found no reason to switch. Wearing them over the tongue would allow you to use longer pads which would offer a bit more protection. I like being protected, but also put a premium on comfort and mobility. I can't say which way is more comfortable or allows for the greatest mobility though as I've only worn the pads one way. I think it's a matter of personal preference. Most of the players on my beer league team wear them under the tongue and few wear them over the tongue (the ones that wear them over the tongue include our leading scorer and our best D-man...)

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I put the shin pad behind the tongue and let it rest there. It moves up and down slightly when I skate and I love the lack of restriction to my stride.

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i wear my shinpads over the tongue, but the pad isn't really tight over the tongue, it can sort of pivot so it doesn't restrict mobility. also, with the 8090 tongue, which has that stiff lacebite guard, putting a shinpad under would make it worse imo

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I wear them over the tongue. I heat the bottom of the pad and widen them a bit . Allows a little more freedom of movement for me (could still use alot more freedom of movement everywhere/ old and slow!!!)

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I wear my shin pads over the tongue of my skates. By doing it this way I can wear longer pads and have more protection. I leave the bottom strap undone so mobility really isn't a problem for me.

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I put the shin pad behind the tongue and let it rest there. It moves up and down slightly when I skate and I love the lack of restriction to my stride.

Same. Plus the long Graf tongues sticking out make it look cool!

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I highly prefer having the shinpad over the tonuge, so much so that I returned my RBK 5K Pumps and got Easton Synergy 1300s. The way the tongue is on the RBKs doesnt allow me to do it, and I cant bend forward properly in them, so I decided to stick with Easton. Very happy with my decision!

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I put the shin pad behind the tongue and let it rest there. It moves up and down slightly when I skate and I love the lack of restriction to my stride.

Same. Plus the long Graf tongues sticking out make it look cool!

i have graf's too, it feels weird to not have them hanging out.

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Started going over when I got G3s because the tongue wouldn't fit under the sock out and haven't gone back in the past year and like two months.

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