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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightest Shaft

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how are the synthesis/synergy 2's compared to the r2xn10? i have an int. shaft so it's pretty light. but didn't try the seniors.

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how are the synthesis/synergy 2's compared to the r2xn10? i have an int. shaft so it's pretty light. but didn't try the seniors.

Synth isn't even close in terms of performance

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how are the synthesis/synergy 2's compared to the r2xn10?  i have an int. shaft so it's pretty light.  but didn't try the seniors.

Synth isn't even close in terms of performance

so the v130, 7k, and the r2 xn10's are all better performance wise? what about the new dolomite? i'm using an inno 1100 right now and i really like it.

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I think ccm's v130 and rbks new 7k are close too.

Rbk doesnt have a 7k Shaft? Only 6k... :blink:

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R2 without a doubt, almost too light for my tastes. Inno 1100 is right in the middle b/w R2 and Synth

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I think ccm's v130 and rbks new 7k are close too.

Rbk doesnt have a 7k Shaft? Only 6k... :blink:

Yes they do, it is new for 2006. There is a 7K tapered shaft and 7K replacement blade

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How do these hold up in terms of durability? I am sure that as they are "lightweight " they cannot hold up as well as some of the tanks, but are they fragile "peices of glass"?

Also, are they picky as to what blades they like? I looked on one site and it gave a pretty limited array of blades that will work with this shaft. Is that real or marketing??

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Here's the end to all this:

Tapered XN10 R2 260grams

Standard RedLite XN10 -250grams

That's it, other than the Metamorphic Flyweight.


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