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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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I've called to see if a store is open, but to avoid sounding dumb I've always asked "hi, I was wondering what your hours are today?" or "hi, what time do you close today?"

Right, I know sometimes people are at shops to just answer phones etc. It just caught me off guard I found it funny, Usually the what are your hours is 99% what I'll get. I also think the people that ask that question are usually trying to get "what time are you open til?" out but it comes out as are you open.

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That's what it's often intended as.

Besides, if they call and somebody picks up the phone, letting the caller know they're indeed open, it would be rude and annoying to just hang up without asking anything.

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That's what it's often intended as.

Besides, if they call and somebody picks up the phone, letting the caller know they're indeed open, it would be rude and annoying to just hang up without asking anything.

In that case I'd usually just say "oh good, you're open...just wanted to make sure. When do you close?"

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I've called my LHS before and after his regular closing hours and the guy there will still answer his phone if he's still in the shop. He doesn't have to and he realizes that, but to him his customer service is important to him and he says if he can help someone out in a few seconds over the phone he will. If he can't help them he at least hopes the person on the other end appreciates the fact he still answered and tried to help and will come back when he reopens. I know I appreciate it which is why I deal exclusively with his shop. His prices aren't the lowest. There's a major equipment distributor less than a block away but I will buy from his shop because the service he gives me along with the good quality of equipment he carries and his knowledge of hockey goods is invaluable to me.

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yesterday, basically was like this:

HS kid comes in looking to get getzlaf 100 flex left se16.

"hey do u guys have any se16s in getzlaf?.... i really need this stick."

"um what flex and hand?"

"uh i need uh uh uh uh left 100"

"we do not, sorry."

"how do you know? Look in the back for me."

"sorry dude im telling you we don't have it."

"i said look in the fucking back for me."

i looked in the back (well, not really, just wasted time and counted how many neck guards we had... our back is small as hell, and you can see most of it from the counter.)

"sorry we dont have it."

"wtf how can you not have it? that's fucking bullshit. what a shit shack place this is. i need that stick so god damn bad why can't you have it?""

"well it is a weird flex and curve and its left... odds are most shops wont have it in stock. i can order it for you, but it is going to take like a week."

"a week? Fuck that is bullshit, i need this stick tonight. no wonder i get all my shit from minnesota, you guys suck."

"gtfo of my store."

"wtf? you can't talk to a customer like that."

"your right, but you just said your not a customer."

"wtf this is bullshit."

he storms out, knocked over a stick rack with about 5K of sticks on it, and slams the door.

funniest thing about this, his asst. coach was in the store in near the back of it and overheard everything... guess who isn't playing next game? hehe.

and today:

"s444 s333 hockey shop"

"hi, do you guys sell hockey gear?"

lol.... what a couple of days.

Not for nothing but since when is "100" a weird flex and why would a lefty be so impossible to come by?

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Not for nothing but since when is "100" a weird flex and why would a lefty be so impossible to come by?

I think he probably meant the curve is weird. Not too many stores are going to always have them in stock. it's not a great seller. Most shops have more righties than lefties.

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Yesterday's gem for me,

Phone rings-

Me- "Pro shop"

Person- "Hi, are you open?"

Me- (Wanting to say something clever and witty like Let me check!) "Uh yes sir. Open until 9:30"

on the converse...

Me: Are you guys running regular hours today? (sunday dec 27)

employee: No


me: well, what are your hours, then?

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haha, I don't own/work in a shop, but I was helping my buddy buy his gear. I told him to buy an int. stick through a text. Frantically, about ten minutes later. I CAN'T FIND THE INTERNATIONAL STICKS ANYWHERE! I lost it at the dinner table, then proceeded to say back to him... hey genius: it's intermediate, not international.

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lol... he settled for a Jofa Hybrid in Senior(we play with wood sticks, as we don't have ~250 to throw down on sticks). I was gonna respond... that's not international, just a poor choice!

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Speaking of phone calls: with everyone getting skates for Christmas, the common phone call now, "If I bring in skates now to be sharpened, how long will it take?" "Well, it takes about 10 minutes. There is no line now but that could change in 5 minutes. You would have to wait for the skates ahead of you." "Really?" "Yes, it's kind of like Dunkin Donuts. If there is a line, you have to get on it." "Oh.", as you hear the sigh and disbelief in their voice that they will have to wait a while to get skates sharpened that they bought at Sports Authority. BTW, over the week-end the wait to sharpen was over an hour.

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Speaking of phone calls: with everyone getting skates for Christmas, the common phone call now, "If I bring in skates now to be sharpened, how long will it take?" "Well, it takes about 10 minutes. There is no line now but that could change in 5 minutes. You would have to wait for the skates ahead of you." "Really?" "Yes, it's kind of like Dunkin Donuts. If there is a line, you have to get on it." "Oh.", as you hear the sigh and disbelief in their voice that they will have to wait a while to get skates sharpened that they bought at Sports Authority. BTW, over the week-end the wait to sharpen was over an hour.


and when they show up and you tell them there's a 45 minute wait because of the line that's formed, "but you said on the phone TEN MINUTES".....begin facepalm.

Most shops have more righties than lefties.

In the US of A :P

hehe yeah. I meant to add that.

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Speaking of phone calls: with everyone getting skates for Christmas, the common phone call now, "If I bring in skates now to be sharpened, how long will it take?" "Well, it takes about 10 minutes. There is no line now but that could change in 5 minutes. You would have to wait for the skates ahead of you." "Really?" "Yes, it's kind of like Dunkin Donuts. If there is a line, you have to get on it." "Oh.", as you hear the sigh and disbelief in their voice that they will have to wait a while to get skates sharpened that they bought at Sports Authority. BTW, over the week-end the wait to sharpen was over an hour.


and when they show up and you tell them there's a 45 minute wait because of the line that's formed, "but you said on the phone TEN MINUTES".....begin facepalm

Most shops have more righties than lefties.

In the US of A :P

hehe yeah. I meant to add that.


MSH got a new favorite toy from Chadd, lol

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I did a quick search, without much success....curious if your LHSs have restocking fee policies? My LHS charged me a fee for a return, and am curious if it's standard.

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No returns on special order items or sale items. Otherwise, return accepted with receipt in original packaging and NOT USED, of course. Yes, I do have to mention that to our customers. However, a re-stocking fee sounds like a hose job.

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Over an hour wait. Lucky

here in Ontario. Since X mas. 3 - 4 hour waits are not uncommon. this is with two machines going.

Me and my son have a father son skate at 2:30. its 2:15 now can you have them done in 10 minutes?

sir its a 4 hour wait.

But my son and I have a important skate to go to in 15 minutes.

Well your son is gonna be pretty upset when you guys miss it.


Sir its 4 hours.... It wasnt important enough for you to bring your skates in yesterday?

I strongly dislike. DUMB PEOPLE>

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4 hours to get a sharpening? That'd be awesome. My local rink is the only place that sharpens within a 45 minute drive. My son plays 3 times a week and it always takes days to get a sharpening. Last skate sharpening took 5 days, the time before that 8 days. So I have to leave the skates, come back for his next game/practice, pickup the unsharpened skates from the front desk, and return them after his game/practice HOPING they sharpen them by his next game/practice. Apparently they only have 1 guy "trained" to use the machine... and even though he works there full-time... well you get the picture.

Needless to say, I'm hoping for some expendable money to come my way so I can order an x-01.

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No returns on special order items or sale items. Otherwise, return accepted with receipt in original packaging and NOT USED, of course. Yes, I do have to mention that to our customers. However, a re-stocking fee sounds like a hose job.

we've had restocking fee on commercial and film shoots. that's about it.

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No returns on special order items or sale items. Otherwise, return accepted with receipt in original packaging and NOT USED, of course. Yes, I do have to mention that to our customers. However, a re-stocking fee sounds like a hose job.

we've had restocking fee on commercial and film shoots. that's about it.

Thanks for the feedback on the restocking fee. When I saw it on the receipt, I thought it was a bit odd for a basic return.

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No returns on special order items or sale items. Otherwise, return accepted with receipt in original packaging and NOT USED, of course. Yes, I do have to mention that to our customers. However, a re-stocking fee sounds like a hose job.

we've had restocking fee on commercial and film shoots. that's about it.

Thanks for the feedback on the restocking fee. When I saw it on the receipt, I thought it was a bit odd for a basic return.

When I think "restocking fee" I usually think box-store (Models, TSA, etc) and larger corporations. I know I returned my MacBook for a better model when I got it and there was a restocking fee. I think it's a bit odd for a LHS.

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We have a 3-4% restocking fee on an item if it was purchased with a CC. Being charged 1.25% or something each time we use the thing, plus the fact that that item couldn't be sold while it was in the possession of someone else, im surprised you guys don't have one. I had to deal with this yesterday... guy bought V10 helmet for kid, he didn't want it and just wanted a full refund, didn't want to get a different helmet that we had (kid was set on 9500... we're sold out). So he wanted his full 106 dollars back on his helmet (tax included). I'm like we have a restocking fee to cover our costs. He bitches about it, saying wtf? So I just basically lost 4 dollars? Then I explained to him that we're going to be charged about $2.50 for these transactions, and then he was like just charge me for that. Then I say well, then considering I could have sold this helmet over the weekend, the rest of it goes towards that lost sell. He finally understands. Something a little ridiculous like 10-15% wouldn't be cool, but when your basically covering costs + the inconvenience and hassle of making a sell then having to spend time doing the refund, it isn't ridiculous at all. More ridiculous not to have one, in my opinion.

and chippa, my area is like 80/20 in right to left. That, and we're not a big store. We're decent sized, but about half of a total hockey and way short of big stores. Like 2000 sq. ft... every LHS i've been in is usually 2500-3500 or so. Bigger ones about 5000.

Anyways, we had 75/85/100 in right for getzlaf, and only a 75 left in left. considering we only got 1 75/85/100 for left, im surprised some of them were sold. totally weird curve and not common hand.

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