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Fifa World Cup 2006 Germany

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Does anyone know where I would be able to get a live feed from the internet for the game tomorrow.. I have to work tomorrow and we can not get a good tv connection at all.. If anyone could help me out that would be great..

espn 360

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Yeah, found it lame that the GER/POR game wasn't even televised on ESPN. I watch all the games in Univision (Hispanic channel) anyway, but I couldn't watch it at the rink because they don't have it on their cable.

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I really took offense to the American (ABC) announcers saying that the world cup is the greatest trophy is sports. We ALL know the lords hardware is king.

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Anyone else find it funny that ABC is giving more coverage to the awarding of the World Cup, than NBC gave to the awarding of the Stanley Cup?

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I really took offense to the American (ABC) announcers saying that the world cup is the greatest trophy is sports. We ALL know the lords hardware is king.

I agree that Stanley is the best trophy in sport...BUT...when you consider Soccer/Football is the true World sport...that statement does have SOME merit.

Stanley is by far the hardest to win though...2 months playing every other night in a game as physical as hockey. You can kinda call it in for the first round of World Cup (like France did) and as long as you tie...and not lose you can make it though...you really only have to play WELL for 3 games.

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That headbutt was poor... really, I was rooting for France but that was disgraceful!

I'd like to know what was said to Zidane by the Italian player...I can't imagine he snapped like for for a little jersey tug.

Shame he tarnished hte last game of his career like that. I'm not a big soccer fan...I hardly watch it...but from what I've heard ZZ is a pretty classy player.

Speaking of class...in a game that sees players flop around for the slightest touch....how about the sportsmanship of the 2 goalies before the Shootout???

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That was awesome, the Headbutt was great.

Italy sucks. They got shelled throughout the game and were holding on, even with an extra man. They hardly had possession in the France end for the parts I watching (65th minute on). Kind've a shame to see a team outplayed for most of the game, then win it on kicks, and win it with a lucky break on the crossbar.

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That headbutt was poor... really, I was rooting for France but that was disgraceful!

I'd like to know what was said to Zidane by the Italian player...I can't imagine he snapped like for for a little jersey tug.

Shame he tarnished hte last game of his career like that. I'm not a big soccer fan...I hardly watch it...but from what I've heard ZZ is a pretty classy player.

Speaking of class...in a game that sees players flop around for the slightest touch....how about the sportsmanship of the 2 goalies before the Shootout???

I couldn't agree more. I figure it was Karma that led to the Italian win as the French goal came on a blatant dive. The officiating was pretty bad as minor stuff would draw a whistle while heavier contact was completely ignored at times.

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The officiating was terrible. They should not have awarded Zed a PK. And Italy had a goal late that should have been allowed. But who cares, in the end, the best team won.

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The officiating was terrible. They should not have awarded Zed a PK. And Italy had a goal late that should have been allowed. But who cares, in the end, the best team won.

If your talking about when 3 guys were offside, then no it wasnt a goal. There was only italians in my house and we didnt get angry. Doesnt matter though, Italy never missed a penalty kick and they won so its all good.

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Italy's second goal was offside, he had a step on the player, which by the laws of the game is offside. Zidane messed up pretty good, something ticked, but he got him good. Italy played that game like they did the whole tourny, good defence and solid goaltending, with Buffon's wicked gold outfit.

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