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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Every man needs a nice watch.

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And for someone that tried to justify spending $10k for a watch, you figure that same person could easily justify shelling out a little more cash for some decent drinks.

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I'm trying to decide on another watch. I'm a big fan of seikos and need a titanium watch after wearing one for the past couple years(everything else feels waaay too heavy). I'm thinking about these two:





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I'm trying to decide on another watch. I'm a big fan of seikos and need a titanium watch after wearing one for the past couple years(everything else feels waaay too heavy). I'm thinking about these two:





Id go with the Silver faced one. Seems to blend with the watch much better. Very nice looking watches btw. Do you like your Seiko Titanium?

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I'm trying to decide on another watch. I'm a big fan of seikos and need a titanium watch after wearing one for the past couple years(everything else feels waaay too heavy). I'm thinking about these two:





I like the black face more than the silver/white one, i think it looks better. However, the lighter dials are easier to read at night. Which one smiles back at you? Thats the question you have to ask yourself when buying a watch.


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Love it. The only problem I have with it is that occasionally the pin for setting the time gets caught on my pocket when I reach into it... this stops the watch so I have to reset the time or push the pin back in if I notice.

You see, I'm in limbo with these watches for the same reasons that both of you mentioned. I keep going back and forth between the two, I think either will look better than the blue faced one I have now... Hell, maybe I'll buy both!

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Nixons are nice.. but their band/face get scratched ALL the hell up. I remember a friend of mine who babied hers and it looked like hell after a month.

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Very cool watch. Good choice. A friend of mine has a vintage Hamilton Ventura watch passed down from his dad. Worth a nice penny now that they've had a resurgence...

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I'll agree, it's hard to keep the Rotolog from getting scratched up, but my Venture looks really good, the crystal is amazing, it doesn't have a scratch on it yet, and I've had that watch for about a year and 8 months. You can see every scratch on the Rotolog because it's polished to a mirror finish, which kind of sucks, but it still looks pretty good :D

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