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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Piece Of Equipment Do You Hate Buying

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elbow and shin pads

but since i found the warrior hustler shins pads my life as been heaven! hehe

but i still cant find any not oversized pair of elbow that fits me well and move nicely

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Helmets. Have to get it down, take it out of the box, try it on, decide if my gigantic head fits. If it doesn't try another model/size etc. Huge pain.

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wait whatttttt lol!

i think i spent at least 2000$ on sticks this year, im a stickwhore

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Shinpads, never had skates on when trying them on so I never can tell if they will really fit well, straps on retail pads are very annoying also and I always cut them off.

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Everything except sticks! haha.

I would say my #1, as odd as it sounds - is my jock and cup. I have used RBK jocks with ShockDoctor BioFlex XL cups for a while now. I tried to use a Bauer jock, ShockDoctor jock and the regular version of the BioFlex cup and could not get used to any of it... I suppose I should stockpile those since they are cheap!

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has to be pants. I am tall and skinny so its hard to find pants that are long enough but are not huge on me and falling down when i skate

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Helmet and sticks.

Helmet because I have a huge head and no matter what kind of helmet model or type of foam inside it will take me a while to break it in to a comfortable level.

Sticks because I get used to the way a certain stick shoots and then I feel like I have to change up my style when I get a different model.

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Elbow pads. The straps always stretch out and they always slide. The model never matters but I continue searching.

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Skates. I'm still shopping for ones that fit well right now (probably a month now) and I totally hate the process.

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I find elbow pads to be difficult to buy because they interact with the shoulder pads on one end and the gloves on the other. Finding elbow pads that mate well on both ends can be a PITA.

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I LOVE BUYING ALL EQUIPMENT, its like a 2nd (actually ends of being like 15) chirstmas's every year. Especially when you buy online for a good deal, b/c it actually arrives at your door, lol.

But seriously, buying sticks is my worse one, because the technology is always changing, and they totally have a grip on the throats of all hockey players b/c we can't go anywhere else. Such BS really.

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wait whatttttt lol!

i think i spent at least 2000$ on sticks this year, im a stickwhore

Yeah, but sticks break the easiest of all equipment. There goes your investment..oops.

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Anything thats hard to hide from the fiancée..

My brand new Warrior Franchises are totally the same gloves at my 10 year old missions that are now hidden;)

Haha exactly... Sold my old pads and pants today but I still haven't shown my current gear to my gf. I've been using new gear for 2 months now, new pants with different color, another skates etc.

I also have 3 total one sticks with different curves, two of them hidden in the closet, so if I wanna use a different curve I have to wait for her to leave so I can make a switch :facepalm:

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Anything thats hard to hide from the fiancée..

My brand new Warrior Franchises are totally the same gloves as my 10 year old missions that are now hidden;)

haha just tell your wife you are trying out these sticks for bauer or something, my friends told his mom we had a sponsor for our team in a video game( we played competively, fail... haha i know) when he paid headphones 250$ lol

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Undergarments. $40+ for a good compression jock short is crazy, considering that's more than my elbow pads. It's one of those things where the first one you buy is obviously necessary, but you cringe at paying that much money for a spare (in case I don't do laundry in time...).

Skates are a pain too, because all of them just seem to have something wrong with them. I'm sure if I was getting them custom fit it would be a different story. I think the biggest problem with equipment is when none of the LHS (which are 1.5+ hours away) carry what you want to try on in your size. "These skates are awesome, do you have them in a 9E?" "No, only 8.5E or 9D"

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I hate buying everything!! Spent to long using the gear and then to replace it is hard. Then you have to break the new stuff in , make some adjustments. But at the same time it is exciting to buy new stuff.

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