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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best concert you've ever seen!

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Band called "Six Foot Groove"...college band that used to rock the local scene here...They have since broken up...but they used to pack the house everytime they played...Great band

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Goin to the Black Crowes on the 18th at the JackSinger Concert Hall, should be good. I just hope its not like last time when they came, the guys went on and just kinda jammed, it was like they wer all messed up on lsd...they DID have the stage carpeted tho so they didnt have to wear shoes.

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I saw Aerosmith and Cheaptrick live. also i have seen Nickelback, Our lady Peace and The Trews. They were all steller concerts. i worked at the aerosmith concert. it was a great experience.

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The Trews were easily one of the best bands i have ever seen live, really well put together. Chadangle, did you meet any of Aerosmith when you worked at the show and what did you do? How did you get that job?

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i accually took a course with one of the organizers. so I did some odd jobs with the promoter like sending off tickets which were ordered online and to celebs who were invited. Also i worked setting up the concert, I worked with alot of the sponsors on setting up their ads and such. At the end of the night i worked stage security. i was behind the stage. we got a slight glimpse of all the performers. I met the artist ciera, she was performing earlier in the day. Also i met all the guys who represent aerosmith and cheaptrick and all the bands. i enjoyed bringing them a gatorade now and then.:D

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Seen The Hip live about 17 times...some better than others...some of the shows at smaller venues were unforgettable, and i met Gord and the rest of the band when they played at Art Park last year.

Just saw the Hip and Collective soul last weekend when they came for Canada Day weekend. First night was State of Shock, The Trews and Billy Talent, second night was Matt mays, Our lady Peace(AWESOME), and Hinder(not as bad as expected), then the last night was Collective soul and The Hip which was amazing. Not a bad weekend in all.

What about the other great Canadian bands???

Lets see.....


I Mother Earth?




Canadians can rock, no doot aboot it!

I saw Triumph on the Sport of Kings tour. They put on a good show, including threatening to walk off when some idiot threw a lighter that hit one of the guys.

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I saw Triumph on the Sport of Kings tour. They put on a good show, including threatening to walk off when some idiot threw a lighter that hit one of the guys.

Maybe 10years ago I was at a festival type shop at Riverside park speedway (now a Six Flags in Agawam,MA) the only bands I remember were the Violent Femmes and Paul Westerberg (formerly of the Replacements). The crowd was young and rowdy, and at one point started dismantling staging and crowd surfing on top of large chunks of plywood. Apparently , Westerberg got pissed as his show wasn't really a crowd surf kind of act and he left after like 3 songs. I left when things started to be lit on fire....

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The best concert I have seen was The Judds, in early May, at Stagecoach. A very strong and emotional performance.

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BLACK CROWES BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!!! I could not believe it, they didnt play alot of hits but what they DID play was amazing. The setlist was so diverse, you would be expectin them to open with a huge hit but nope. Show was a little short and the opening act was awful but the Crowes just blew all that shit away.

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I saw Triumph on the Sport of Kings tour. They put on a good show, including threatening to walk off when some idiot threw a lighter that hit one of the guys.

Maybe 10years ago I was at a festival type shop at Riverside park speedway (now a Six Flags in Agawam,MA) the only bands I remember were the Violent Femmes and Paul Westerberg (formerly of the Replacements). The crowd was young and rowdy, and at one point started dismantling staging and crowd surfing on top of large chunks of plywood. Apparently , Westerberg got pissed as his show wasn't really a crowd surf kind of act and he left after like 3 songs. I left when things started to be lit on fire....

I had a similar experience at a free Green Day show in Boston when they were doing the concerts at the Hatch Shell. We left when things were only slightly out of hand after the band disappeared after only a few songs, mainly because things were getting crazy up front, and walked past the staties heading the other way. The whole incident wound up on Real Stories of the Highway Patrol.

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best concert ever seen... All of the Silverchair shows I've been to. Hands down, best sound, and show period. I've seen them play here in the states five times, every show was fantastic.

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U2 in RI in October, right after 9/11. Very powerful imagery and the performance was top notch. I've seen them a few times, but that stands out in my mind.

Runner up would be Bob Dylan, maybe 14 years ago at the Oakdale in CT. He had just gotten out of the hospital, and had a surprisingly energetic set.

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Les Claypool at The Quest in Minneapolis last year. Guy puts on a great show.

Runner up would have to be Sigur Ros. At the Orphium in Minneapolis Those concerts are like a religious experience

What about the other great Canadian bands???

Lets see.....


I Mother Earth?




Canadians can rock, no doot aboot it!

Brian Adams and Celine Dion ? :P

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shit dubs you saw claypool? I missed him last time arround becuase of a tourny. I would imagine his concerts to be amazing.

Well in this next few weeks im seeing Lucky Boys Confusion, Brand New, and Warped Tour. All of them should be fun shows. Buckethead in 2 months I cant wait to actually see him live.

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Rage Against the Machine, April 1993, State Theater in Detroit. Those guys ROCKED.

They might have been the worst band I saw at lollpalooza in 93. Good thing I wasn't at the Philly show where they made a political statement instead of playing their set.

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Most of their set in Pittsburgh revolved around them telling everyone to steal the shirts and hats from the "greedy corporate masters" running the souvenir stands and that everyone should join in the mosh pit because they said it was OK. I was there to listen to bands, not deal with sub-adolescent political posturing.

Let me correct my original statement. They were the worst band I saw on the main stage in either 92 or 93.


Main Stage: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ministry, Ice Cube, Soundgarden, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Pearl Jam, Lush


Main Stage: Primus, Alice in Chains, Dinosaur Jr, Fishbone, Arrested Development, Front 242, Babes in Toyland, Tool, Rage Against the Machine

While not an arrested development fan, they did actually play more than one or two songs during their set.

As for the not playing in Philly:

At a 1993 Lollapalooza appearance in Philadelphia, the band stood onstage naked for 15 minutes with duct tape on their mouths and the letters PMRC painted on their chests in protest against censorship by the Parents Music Resource Center.[66] Refusing to play, they stood in silence with the sound emitted being only audio feedback from Morello and Commerford's guitars.

All courtesy if wiki.

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Rage Against the Machine, April 1993, State Theater in Detroit. Those guys ROCKED.

They might have been the worst band I saw at lollpalooza in 93. Good thing I wasn't at the Philly show where they made a political statement instead of playing their set.

Wow. No political statements like those in the Detroit show... actually, I don't remember them saying much of anything at all. Nobody really knew who they were (some of the people in the crowd were shouting "it's the Beastie Boys!"), they weren't the headliner (House of Pain was) and I think their album had just hit the shelves. Maybe I saw them at their best?

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Rage Against the Machine, April 1993, State Theater in Detroit. Those guys ROCKED.

They might have been the worst band I saw at lollpalooza in 93. Good thing I wasn't at the Philly show where they made a political statement instead of playing their set.

Wow. No political statements like those in the Detroit show... actually, I don't remember them saying much of anything at all. Nobody really knew who they were (some of the people in the crowd were shouting "it's the Beastie Boys!"), they weren't the headliner (House of Pain was) and I think their album had just hit the shelves. Maybe I saw them at their best?

Sounds like when Pearl Jam played lolla in 92. No posturing about ticketmaster or anything else, just came on stage in the middle of the day and played a kick ass set.

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Rage Against the Machine, April 1993, State Theater in Detroit. Those guys ROCKED.

They might have been the worst band I saw at lollpalooza in 93. Good thing I wasn't at the Philly show where they made a political statement instead of playing their set.

Wow. No political statements like those in the Detroit show... actually, I don't remember them saying much of anything at all. Nobody really knew who they were (some of the people in the crowd were shouting "it's the Beastie Boys!"), they weren't the headliner (House of Pain was) and I think their album had just hit the shelves. Maybe I saw them at their best?

Their show at Alpine Valley in 2007 was fantastic. They played all their best tunes.

! Morello is a god amongst guitar playing men!

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Animal Collective at the Pitchfork Festival this past weekend. Unreal combination of lights, music and crowd participation.

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