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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Swift Olympic Hockey Socks

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If anyone wants to trade my blue pair for their white pair let me know. My blue ones are the same as the ones in the pic a bit back. Ill even throw in an Itech half shield...

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I was going to try peeling off the middle strip on the socks, by chance has anyone done this? have a feeling it will ruin the sock, but I think I will give it a go. I will update.

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I was going to try peeling off the middle strip on the socks, by chance has anyone done this? have a feeling it will ruin the sock, but I think I will give it a go. I will update.

when i first got my pairs i tried to do this. i looked at the stitching at the knee, looked like the stripe was just a peice of material sewn in and then ironed on as well. Undid some of the stitching, and realised it also held the sock together so i stopped there.

thats why im going with the electrical tape route LOL.

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Socks came in today. Blue Slovaks and Red Czech. I can't believe how excited I am just to try a pair of socks out.

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I tried mine out today and really like them. My only regret is I didn't pick up more than 2 pair, but I really didn't know if I'd like them until I tried them. Hopefully they're durable and last a while, but if I see them for sale again I'll likely pick up some more.

I also like the fact that the thigh area is tight so it feels like it's connected right to the jock shorts and there's no worry of them falling down. I still attached the velcro, but I think they'd likely stay up even without the velcro. They're light, breathable and snug, but not too tight. I think Nike had a good idea - it's too bad it didn't catch on. Hopefully the Edge socks are as good. Sure, they aren't going to make a huge difference in one's game or anything, but I do like them better than traditional socks (OK, I'd loose the stripe down the middle if I could and just have them one solid colour).

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I tried mine out today and really like them. My only regret is I didn't pick up more than 2 pair, but I really didn't know if I'd like them until I tried them.

Be happy you got your 2 pairs! Some of us weren't as lucky...

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Glad to see a lot of happy folks. The Swift's are so stylish, wish they took over in the NHL.

I have some contacts in the Danish and Norweigan ice hockey federations and they told me Swifts are being used again for this springs IIHF tournament. After that I would guess that it might switch considering Nike is trying to sell Bauer and get out of hockey. So next time they show up, do not wait to buy, it may be your last chance! Socks are VERY rare!

If anyone wants to get rid of some Czech white / Finnish blue, throw me a line. I would have had them had my credit card not been denied ten time :(

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i got four...

very lucky ....

What angers me most is that I placed my order relatively soon after this thread was created. I think RCS delayed getting my order (and others') together and that cost me my second pair of socks. I probably should be more pissed at how this all unfolded, but whatever....they're just socks. <_<

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I am in the same boat, it sucks they told me that they'd be there for sure and I ordered them very early on, I only just recieved mine and didn't get my total order and charged me for my full order. Pretty unhappy that they couldn't call me or anything?

Anyone interested in selling any of theirs, let me know please?

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i got four...

very lucky ....

What angers me most is that I placed my order relatively soon after this thread was created. I think RCS delayed getting my order (and others') together and that cost me my second pair of socks. I probably should be more pissed at how this all unfolded, but whatever....they're just socks. <_<

Yea, I'm also in the same boat. I bought a pair and like um so much I went on to buy another pair. It says I bought the last pair that was in stock. So I call today and I ask about them. Guy says some guy came into the storea and bought a bunch so they don't have any to give me. So if anyones interested in selling PM me.

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called them up today again, talked to Rob. It seems like this was pretty common and they are trying to figure out exactly what to do. He doesn't want to give me an answer and something else is the solution so he said he'd call me back as soon as possible, which would be next week. Really nice guy and I sincerly think that they are trying their best.

The jagoff that bought all the pairs in the store is the one to blame, more than likely they will be on ebay very soon.

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You're looking at it from the wrong perspective, yours. Before you judge you have to look at their perspective.

They have a store, they sell things from that store. If someone comes in to buy 100 pairs of socks, you sell him 100 pairs of socks, they're running a buisness. The fact that they have a website means nothing, the customer in their store at the time is the more important one.

Think about it this way. How many times have you been in a store and soemone calls? The person on the phone normally gets helped first, how does that make you feel? Dealing with the person in the store is good customer service.

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They also did not credit me for what they did not send. VERY unprofessional.

If you paid via credit card you have some recourse through them. You should not be charged for items you did not recieve.

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You're looking at it from the wrong perspective, yours. Before you judge you have to look at their perspective.

They have a store, they sell things from that store. If someone comes in to buy 100 pairs of socks, you sell him 100 pairs of socks, they're running a buisness. The fact that they have a website means nothing, the customer in their store at the time is the more important one.

Think about it this way. How many times have you been in a store and soemone calls? The person on the phone normally gets helped first, how does that make you feel? Dealing with the person in the store is good customer service.

Yeah, but - once the orders started coming in, they should have been pulling them off the shelves accordingly. If they sat on the orders and left the socks for someone to come in and get them after myself and others had already placed our orders and paid for them, that's just messed up.

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You're looking at it from the wrong perspective, yours. Before you judge you have to look at their perspective.

They have a store, they sell things from that store. If someone comes in to buy 100 pairs of socks, you sell him 100 pairs of socks, they're running a buisness. The fact that they have a website means nothing, the customer in their store at the time is the more important one.

Think about it this way. How many times have you been in a store and soemone calls? The person on the phone normally gets helped first, how does that make you feel? Dealing with the person in the store is good customer service.

I always make it a point to help the customer in front of me in the shop before I help the customer on the phone. The guy in the shop made the effort to come in to the shop. That counts for something when the phone is ringing. Great point, TBL!!!

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In my case I rung them and asked how much stock they had before making my order. The guy I spoke to said they had a lot of stock and that it would be better to make my purchase online instead of over the phone. I didn't get my full order after all or a phone call to say they couldn't supply my full order, but they did charge me for it though. That in my eyes is bad customer service.

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I think you guys are jumping the gun here on the charges. More than likely they immediately ran the credit card before filling the order. They run out of stock, they send what they can and either:

a) credit your credit card

2) give you a replacement when more comes in/order a new pair for you.

Give them some time before you write them off with bad customer service. You guys havent given them time to sort out the issue.

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:angry: Well, TBL is right its the faggot who bought all of the pairs at the stores fault! Haha, but he guy I talked to said they weren't likely getting anymore pairs in and that they tried to order more from Nike but couldn't.

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Yeah, he said that more than likely there was just going to be a refund BUT they were trying to seek out other options.

Which is why I'm sticking up for them soo much, the guy was just plain honest with me.

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