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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut


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in the midst of all of the new products from nbh coming out i began to wonder...

the one 90 stick just came out and the xxxx are beginnning to show some life and the xxx-lites are going on sale ( greatskate ) so does that mean there will be a xxxx - lite stick ? gloves ?

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Hey JR... Yeah I wasn't thinking straight when I had the sticks in my hands checking them out,I should of got some pics then. I'll check our team website to see if there is any game photo's kicking around from that night and post them. Speaking of pics,I did score a great picture of Kovy's new RBK 9k great white pumps when I was in his stall on Sat after there practice.I could send it to your email and post it here if you want.... Let me know,they look pretty hot.

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Hey JR... Yeah I wasn't thinking straight when I had the sticks in my hands checking them out,I should of got some pics then. I'll check our team website to see if there is any game photo's kicking around from that night and post them. Speaking of pics,I did score a great picture of Kovy's new RBK 9k great white pumps when I was in his stall on Sat after there practice.I could send it to your email and post it here if you want.... Let me know,they look pretty hot.

They just showed them (Kovy's new white Rbk) on closeup on RDS. They look amazing.

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Relatively good shot of the Eaves and his XXXX's.Click.

the more i see the more i like these skates

Agreed I wasn't fussed at first now I'm drooling over these. :D

Still doesn't do anything for me.

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