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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Your tape preferences

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White cloth on handle with the twisty tape finger grip action, and a small knob (tape is torn in half to make it). I like white because it won't mess up my glove palm and I can put my name and number on the handle for easy ID.

Black cloth on blade with melted wax (although I had some black friction I had lying around and will use this up for the next few tapejobs). C'mon you white tape bladers, any goalie will tell you that black tape hides the puck!

On shins, I like white cloth, although I'm a clear afficionado, but for some reason, when the familiar screech of the clear tape sounds throughout the dressing room, the clear tape whores come out of the woodwork. Buy your own, clear tape whores!

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i just use the standard stick tape to cover almost the entire blade of the stick and a little knob at the top. i dont tape my shin guards i have compression sleeves that i put over them.

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I use white tape for both my handle(saves the palms) and blade(one strip along the bottom of the blade) because I play rollerhockey and the puck colors we use usually aren't black.

Still deciding on the handle tape pattern, usually a single pass of tape with a small knob(2-3 times around) with tape torn in half.

Using the clear equipment tape for the shins, once around under the knee caps and once again near the bottom of the shinpads.

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White tape for a little knob and the barber pole all the way down to the taper. Then white tape on the blade, rub a puck over the blade, then candle wax.

Clear on the shins

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White on the knob, since it doesn't mess with the palms as much. For roller, b/w doesn't matter as long as it is not crap tape. Renfrew is my tape of choice.

I must note that my tape jobs are pretty hardcore. A 1/3 wear strip on the bottom first, then a 1/3 on top to prevent the tape ripping from getting stepped on. Wrap from heel to toe with complete overlaps, then double layer the toe, and finally, another 1/3 strip at the bottom for good measure. Wax for ice, sans wax for roller.

I used to tape my pants/socks, but it feels better loose in roller, and my socks don't need taping for ice.

Hehe... I used to use strips of red tape for the 1/3 portions inside the actual tape job so that I knew when it was about time to retape.

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I'm a goalie and black tape does nothing to hide the puck, neither does spray painting the lower portion of the stick.

haha, so true. Let them spend the extra .50 per roll for black tape! It's amazing how many believe this myth.

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For the knob and ribbed grip I use white, like most others, so it doesn’t mess up my gloves.

On the blade I have switched to white tape. Maybe it’s psychosomatic, but it helps me to see the puck with my peripheral vision when I stickhandle.

When I do my blade I first use a strip of electrical tape along the bottom for added water resistance. Then tape heel to toe and add stick wax.

On the shins I use clear tape and have found the Andover brand tape to be nice and quiet.

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tape the handle with white, small knob (just a couple of times around). On the blade I know use white (used to use black) tape with wax. For shins I use clear under the knee.

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I'm a goalie and black tape does nothing to hide the puck, neither does spray painting the lower portion of the stick.

haha, so true. Let them spend the extra .50 per roll for black tape! It's amazing how many believe this myth.

That's why I use camoflauge tape. Then FOR SURE the goalies can't see the puck!

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Single layer of white cloth tape on the handle just enough so the whole glove can grip it. 3/4 Tape job with white cloth tape from edge of the toe down (with one strip under the blade first). Clear tape under the knee caps only.

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Skinny knob on top , maybe 10 times around with white ripped in half tape. Skinny white tape from heel to a few inches before the end of the blade. Clear tape on shin pads.

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On shins, I like white cloth, although I'm a clear afficionado, but for some reason, when the familiar screech of the clear tape sounds throughout the dressing room, the clear tape whores come out of the woodwork. Buy your own, clear tape whores!

That my friend, is the truth! No one in my locker room is interested until you bust out your roll of clear tape, then it's "Hey, can I get a lil' of that?". I found a case of black electrical tape at my parents, so I've been using that... it's quieter, and B) no one notices it on my black socks.... the mooches are s.o.l.... it's terrible when "concealment" comes into play when you pick tape.

As far as my sticks is concerned... white on the handle, small half-width knob, wrapped down about 3 inches. I've been taping my stick the same way since my Uncle, and my dad taped them for me when I'd play road hockey. The blade- whatever I have handy. I prefer black cloth... but my brother is one of those said "mooches" and goes through most of mine everytime he spots a roll. I tape from heel to toe, and cover up the entire toe... trim the extra and wax the seam.

After it's taped, I just rub a tealight candle over the blade, and the knob of the stick. I'm a minimalist... I keep it simple.

.... and I always have my Mrs. hand me my sticks when I'm leaving the house. For good luck or something, I suppose...

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Butt end:

Andover cloth wide white from about 8" down to the top. Renfrew grip narrow black at the very top about 8 - 10 times (makes the perfect knob for my smaller hands). Andover cloth regular white around the grip tape about 3-4 times so I don't ruin my gloves. I like it very precise with sharp corners. Feels great and consistent from stick to stick.

Composite blades:

Andover cloth regular white anywhere from the heel past the toe and cut off the excess. Just enough overlap to make little ridges (usually about 1/16" inch). Mr Zogs wax over the entire blade and use a heat gun to melt the wax into the tape. This gives me much better durability than cloth tape alone and it preserves the edges instead of just waxing alone which smooths them over. Usually will re-tape every game but if there's little wear I'll add some more wax and re-melt it.

Wood blades:

Same as above, but with black cloth tape. I usually don't go over the toe. I'll also add a strip of tape along the bottom so it doesn't get too chewed up. Generally don't wax it as I have to change the tape to prevent moisture damage anyways.

Don't use shin tape as I have velcro on my jock.

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White tape on the knob, small knob and then ususally about 6 inches down the shaft and then I candy cane in half way down the shaft.

Black on the blade with some wax.

Clear tape on the shin pads. (I use a lot, its really weird)

I DON'T share my tape. My best friend is a tape whore so I just blatently say "GET YOUR OWN."

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Knob/handle: White, containing the silk from the finest of Asian worms. I have to have the knob be no thicker than 1/4" and the grip no more, no less than 5 19/25" long. The overlaps have to be constant and if there are any abnormalities I have to destroy that stick. It's bad juju.

Blade: Black preferred, with a hint of midnight in there just for show. Can no be no longer than 2/3 of the blade and has to cover the absolute middle of the blade. One fraction closer to the heel or toe and that stick is also gone.

Shins: Shinpads are for women. Slash away, girls.

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White tape for everything, although I will occasionally tape my shins with a color if I have it. Small amount on the knob, tape the entire blade (wax the seams), one strip on each leg just under the knee. Simple yet effective.

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White tape on the handle to about 4" from the top with a small knob.

Black or white tape on the blade from the heel to about 1/2" to the end of the toe. Clear tape under the knee for shins. I have seen a couple of pro's sticks that have tape going horizonal across the blade, but not around the bottom. I guess when you get as many sticks as you want you don't care about protecting them. Does anyone else not tape the bottom of their stick?

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Shins: straps, no one can try to "borrow" them and they're reusable.


butt end - Andover white cloth tape. Start with taping on the backhand side of the shaft. Around until the handle is approx. one inch across. Tear tape. Then I tape small pieces of tape and tape over the top to make it look seemless. I then start on the knob again and once again on the backhand side of the shaft, two times around then starting down the shaft. I cover all of the plug if I'm using one, if not the tape job goes down about five inches, overlapping everytime to meet the edge of the tape underneath the tape I'm overlapping. Apply baby powder and rub it in, let it sit for a few hours(or a day or so) and reapply baby powder.


Composite - Andover black cloth tape. Start with a strip to ride the length of the blade on the bottom. Now another piece of tape to cover the toe, I cut slits so that the tape doesn't crease. Again I start taping on the backhand side of the blade, at the heel. Cover the whole thing overlapping everytime to meet the edge of the tape underneath the tape I'm overlapping. Finish covering all the way to the toe, cut off excess tape. Apply generous amounts of sex wax, use a hair dryer to melt wax. Apply another coat of wax and melt that in. The stick is now ready.

Wood blade - Same thing as composite but instead of starting at the heel I start about 2-3" away from the heel.

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Intersting on people always borrowing shin tape...I haven't had to buy any for the past year+ cause every time I walk into a locker room I find a roll of it that someone left behind. I'm stocked up for I'm ok with sharing. I don't use much either, just a strip under the knee.

For the stick end, I roll up some cloth tape in whatever color I have a stock of and make a knob, and also make a grip thread with it. Then add grip blue grip tape on top of that. Then comes the white cloth candycane down 2/3 of the shaft.

I tape all the way from heel to toe with black cloth with an exta strip for wear. Use a normal old candle and rub essentially the bottom half of the blade all over and heat over the stove to melt it in.

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Knob/Handle: White cloth tape with twisty tape underneath, Medium sized knob. Simple, effective.

Shaft: Candy cane down shaft with white cloth tape.

Blade: White cloth tape [again], tape the toe of blade only, about the last 1/3 of the blade (toe entirely covered). No wax.

Shins: Electrical Tape, colour depends on the set of socks I am wearing for that game/practice. I have 3 colours in my bag, red for home, blue for away, black for practise.

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Cahm-ahn...who's got da tape???

I agree - I have supplied three poeple pretty much all season in clear shin tape - that, and my 4 year old steals it out of my bag at home for some unfathomable reason. All the same, I keep buyin' it.

For the blade, black cloth tape. I hold no illusions regarding its mystic ability to mask the puck to goalies - I prefer to use the shins of other players to do that for me. I could use white, but I don't like the way it looks - especially after a bunch of puck scuffs get all over it...not much point I guess, as I re-tape before every game.

For the handle - I use the black for a medium/largish knob and twist it for a cross pattern going about 10" down the shaft, then do a pass over all of it with grip tape - I began the season with red, then went to light blue, and may give the yellow happy face variation a try just for a laugh.

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i use as little tape as possible in as little places as possible.

handle of stick, no knob, and thats it.

oh, i taped my helmet strap back together with black tape to hide it.

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