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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Favourite Sport BESIDES Hockey?

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Guest phillyfan
  Orr said:
  phillyfan said:
According to ESPN, surfing, as well as Scrabble or sports. ;)
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Chess club is apparently a sport at our school. It was the first thing I learned all day.

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It's horrible the way my school covers the sports. Not once all year has any hockey team been mentioned during a morning announcment, yet they are awesome. Instead, The Chess Club, Gay/Straight Alliance, golf(nothing against them, but hockey is way cooler), and well, you get the idea. All because the people in charge at school are anti-hockey, and choose not to affiliate with the team, even though we bring a full crowd every game and charge $5 a ticket. That's a lot money the school could use at different timese, dances, class trips, other activites, ect if they chose to afiliate with use, but nah, thats ok, we'll take that money and purchase 3rd jerseys next year or team gloves, its all good.

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Baseball then Soccer are the other sports I play, and when I have some free time sometimes my friends and I will get a pickup game of football together.

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  On 2/23/2011 at 11:16 PM, Ralphiv#13 said:

Track and x-country all the way.

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Haha yeah! Track and field for the win! What events do you do? I'm shot put, discus, hammer throw, javelin, 100 m and relays if needed..speaking of which, that starts next week. So I should probably go to the gym. :dry:

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I play softball over the summer with my hockey teammates in a league. Not a high intensity setting, just getting some exercise and having fun

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There are other sports?????

... seriously watch everything - football, baseball, basketball.. I watch them all... I'm a junkie.

I play hockey, golf and tennis. I'm too old and injured to do anything else!!

Injuries though are really limiting me to getting through week to week to play my hockey games.

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I love to play lacrosse it's one of the most challenging sports I've ever played, you have to have skills and speed, it's just really fun. Soccer is pretty fun too

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  On 2/24/2011 at 9:07 PM, Jsmells said:

I love to play lacrosse it's one of the most challenging sports I've ever played, you have to have skills and speed, it's just really fun. I also play soccer in the summer.

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Tried picking up lax once, I coudnt catch the stupid ball.

Second favorite sport is basbeall to watch and play.

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