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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I am looking for some help designing my next tattoo so if there is any particularly good artists here I could use your help. I put it off way to long and my appointment is the beginning of January.

I'm looking to get a Pin-up girl on my ribs. I want a classic 40's-50's style tall long haired brunette maybe sitting or standing beside a mechanics tool box, the style with red pull out drawers. Has to have some deal of clothes on but minimal is better. PM me if you think you can help.

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Thats it for now. Id like to maybe add something else. Maybe make it longer somehow so it goes up my shoulders. or a background. I dont have any good ideas as of now tho.

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my tattoo is now a week old and it looks great, but the hair is growing back into my chest and shit this itches!!

any tips?

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As long as its healed enough, you should probably wait a little bit but it works wonders on my tattys.

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Had another one done yesterday. Its a truck that was parked on the family farm for a very long time, with wasyliuk garland written on the side.

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Not having read the entire thread (sorry), if anyone cares. I got a tatoo in the service just like everyone else. Got out, had some extra money, got it cleaned up, colors added, etc. About $200+.

Recently I found out that I will have to have multiple visits to have it removed, they will work on each color at a time because of different scarring types, and the total will bring it to about 3 grand.

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Not having read the entire thread (sorry), if anyone cares. I got a tatoo in the service just like everyone else. Got out, had some extra money, got it cleaned up, colors added, etc. About $200+.

Recently I found out that I will have to have multiple visits to have it removed, they will work on each color at a time because of different scarring types, and the total will bring it to about 3 grand.

There was a graph on the front page of one section of the USA Today a few days ago (confused yet?) that said something like 20% of people regretted getting their tattoos.

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I didn't even see the tattoo at first...I was too dumbstruck by the fact that there is someone out there that makes my little brother look absolutely jacked.

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