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Batman: The Dark Knight

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I just bought my tickets online for the Imax. The midnight showing is already sold out so I am going to the 9pm show on Friday.

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wow I can't believe that they would already be sold out. I should really get on getting tickets before the hype around this movie kills my chances of seeing it within the first week.

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its gonna werid watchin heath in this movie but the thing that scares the shit outta me the most is that jack nicholson of all people warned him about the the role...

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Just a request, since this thread has evolved somewhat into an "all comics thread," but if someone wants to discuss The Dark Knight as a movie, could you please start a new thread and put SPOILERS in the title?

It kind of stunk in the "Bad Movies Thread" that someone gave a bit of the description of the last act of Hancock. Saying yes/no, good/bad or liked it/ didn't like it is okay, but saying you weren't expecting it when Bambi's mother got shot takes the surprise out for the rest of us.

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  Jason Harris said:
but saying you weren't expecting it when Bambi's mother got shot takes the surprise out for the rest of us.
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I thought you said no spoilers? Now your just being a hippocrate <_< :P

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Have you guys seen the cartoon The Gotham Knight? Apparently it is set in the timeframe between both batman movies and is drawn from 4 different artists. My brother saw it and said it was pretty awsome and I have been looking into it a little bit.

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I definitely want to see it, yet I was disappointed to learn it's been made with a nod to anima. I guess I'm too much of a linear thinker, but I prefer comic book art to be more realistic.

I think the tag line from the first Superman movie was "You'll believe a man can fly," and I like the art to transport me to that world.

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  cityofwalrus said:
  Fletch said:
Who else is seeing it in IMAX?
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im seeing the midnight showing the 17th and then the IMAX version on the 19th.

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I'm seeing the standard format at the Midnight showing, then the Imax showing a couple weeks later when my Wife wants to see it (she's not a fan of large crowds at movie theaters).

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Yikes, make that the 6:15am showing....it was the only one that wasn't sold out!

BTW, I HIGHLY recommend the score for the film. It's as amazing as the score from the first film. In fact, it's even better.

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Ledger was a good joker...but I thought the first one was better. Kind of wished I would have not waited in a ridiculous line and took a nap instead...Dare I say it? Ok...I will...I liked Ironman more.


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  Jason Harris said:
  TheBert said:
Since this is the de facto comic book movie thread: http://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/watchmen/trailer


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That looked to be a lot more CGI than I would have expected for The Watchmen, since the comics made their world seem grittier than our world.

PS No spoilers in this thread!

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Yeah, but how the hell are you going to recreate Doc Manhatten without a shitload of CGI? I think it looks cool, but I hope they can get across the story well enough and don't focus on the amazing visuals. I think it's going to be tough to get across such a complex tale in a 2-3 hour movie.

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Amazing perfomance by Ledger. The audience cheered A LOT when he first came onscreen (well, when you knew it was him). And his "magic trick" was ruthlessly funny. It was hard not to laugh at that.... ;)

The film as a whole was very well done. One of the best I have seen in a while.

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Definitely the first movie worth my $6 this summer. Too bad it was in the crappier theater in town. Historic/landmark/a tradition, yes - digital/good sound, no. Some of the speech in the movie was a little difficult to hear for me too.

It may not be a masterpiece, but it definitely did not have me walking out shaking my head like Hancock.

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Sucks this movie is sold out for the whole opening weekend in Calgary IMAX theatres. So i guess i will probably just see it in regular first then IMAX sometime next week.

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