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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

The prison knife incident

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Here are the pics -

Ready to slash someone who flexes my sticks!


Felix is about to get it!


My hard-ass prison pose


The Widowmaker


Protecting my sharpener at all times


XXX marks the spot


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JR, you're a LUNATIC MAN! Frickin' freakshow, I can't believe they let you handle sharp objects like that.

I love the tape job though.

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I'm gonna get fired for creating WMDs at work.

I should include instructions on how to make your own. It's really easy - just need a skate blade, a crossgrinder and a butt end. Cut the butt end tenon off, then take a saw and cut a slit in the butt end. Insert blade, then hot melt glue it in. Shape blade with crossy and there you go!

Just don't kill anyone on my account, please.

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...and I have a strong feeling that you will someday find yourself in a situation in which you will be able to/have to put all of that practice to good use.

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Naw, I'm more into white collar crimes that would get me something Martha Stewart-y in punishment.

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I think I was inches from being the first victim...

and I didn't even flex any twigs!

JR should start an Ebay biz for inmate shanks!!!!!!

A true marvel of craftsmanship.

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  fatwabbit said:
haa... you should put a pic of that in the shop, and let all those who flex our sticks beware...
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better yet, just let felix hold it like in the last picture. there is NOTHING more intimidating than a small doll holding a blade, lol.

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Wow... that is just... I actually don't know. You could dress up in a rain slicker and go as the Gorton's Fisherman- THE RECKONING. I like how you put it with Felix the Cat, it made the knife seem a touch less threatening.

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JR, thanks to you, Prison Shank is now the most common search term on Google the past 24 hours... Click the "I'm feeling lucky" button and your mug shows up!

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Well, the shank is gonna die today. I'm going to have to destroy it. If I throw it away it may fall in the wrong hands and that would be unfortunate.

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