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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What lie are your sticks?

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5'11" 245lbs defender. Stick comes up to my collarbones when standing barefeet

5,5 Nash and Sakic all the way..

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6' 190lbs Defense. 5.5 lie Gaborik curve, prefer the Stealth over the other Easton models which is now going to be a serious problem. Have searched the internet for an Easton Stealth Gaborik with no luck, down to my last 1-I'm a righty, found all kinds of lefty's though.

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5'10" Forward.

PM9 St Louis lie 5 cut at my lips on skates

Z Bubble shaft w/ Warrior Weight lie 4 cut to the bottom of my chin.

The Weight seems a little lower than the St Louis, both work.

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6'2", 225lbs, forward. Cut sticks so that they come up to or just under my chin when I'm on skates or the tip of my nose in bare feet.

I always seem to wear the tape off the heal of the stick first no matter what lie I use as I tend to keep my stick on the ice, but way out in front of me when I don't have the puck and when I have the puck I also tend to handle the puck mostly out in front of me and I think I get reasonably low.

The current sticks I have in my rotation are Sakic clones 5.5-6 lie, a Recchi curve 5 lie, Christian Mid-curve 5 lie, and I recently picked up a PM9 St.Louis which is a 5 lie. Occassionally I'll have a pass slip under the toe of my stick with the Sakic clones if I haven't used that curve in a while, but when I'm constantly using it it usually isn't a problem and I think I get a little more on my wrist shot with that curve then the slight curves. With the 5 lie's it's easier to keep the blade flat (they also have less rocker) and I don't have the puck slipping under the toe.

My favourite curve this year was the crazy toe curve on the Kovalchuck Pro Stock Warrior I picked up, but unfortunately someone broke that shaft flexing it in the dressing room, but was kind enough to give me $100 for the pieces with the intention of getting it repaired (I now regret giving up the blade as I haven't been able to find a tapered blade in a similar pattern - I know the Smyth Warrior is similar, but they aren't in stock at my LHS and they would sell for $79.99 there just for the blade and I bought the whole Pro Stock stick for $99.99). I believe that curve was a 5 lie and I had no complaints whatsover. I didn't have pucks slipping under the toe, it was great for toe drags, I loved my wrist shot with it, I could still get a decent backhand off and the wear was relatively even (although still a bit more at the heel).

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I'm about 6' 160lbs. My sticks (Warrior AK27 shafts with Easton CNT Z-Carbon - Forsberg pattern, 5 lie - blades) are cut down to about mid-sternum (on skates).

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6'3" 205

Currently my stick has a 6 lie RBK Modano blade but after a second game struggling with stick handling I'm going back to the CCM Recchi blades I had in before (also 6 lie I believe).

Great topic!

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6'3", 205 lbs.

Can only use a Modo in 5. Stick is cut to my nose in barefeet. Anything higher than 5 and the pucks just shoot under the blade.

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6'4" 155lbs

Stick ends right below my chin in bare feet. 6 lie, but I need something 5 or lower. I currently have a lot of wear at the heel.

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6-1, prefer a hair under 5. Currently using P31, 5-ish lie and very flat on the bottom.

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6'4" 155lbs

bulk up man!

Weight was added so everyone could poke fun at the skinny guy! :P

I eat everything, but it doesn't help...

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I'm 6'1 but I use different lies. I'm good at adjusting to different sticks and curves(even handedness) so I just adjust the length of the stick if I actually need to. Normally I just adjust my top hand... I pick the stick I'm going to use by how I feel that day.

As far as my favorite lie/blade was the CCM Bonk, the lie was 7... but appeared to be more like 6-6.5.

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Can only use a Modo in 5. Stick is cut to my nose in barefeet.

I recently just switched back to the modano from the drury and my puck control improved substantially. Not sure if it's the lie or the curve.

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Can only use a Modo in 5. Stick is cut to my nose in barefeet.

I recently just switched back to the modano from the drury and my puck control improved substantially. Not sure if it's the lie or the curve.

I think it has to do with the blade face, I went from a sakic to a p88, which is neutral and my stick handling and puck control got much better. The lie between the two is nearly identical.

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6'2" forward. I use a short stick--on skates, it's around collarbone height. I skate low and carry the puck away from my body. I use a lie 5 Black Beauty BB9 (Modano/Forsberg).

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