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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 - 2008 new Unis

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Now that they're all out... i think colorado and st. louis are among nicest sets, along with buffalo, and san jose and anahiem are the worst.

it seems like most of the other sets are the t-shirt template, as close to unchanged as possible, or just not very eye-catching... cant wait til teams start coming out with 3rd jerseys again a few years or so down the road... hopefully most of these sets can be phased out...

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Now that they're all out... i think colorado and st. louis are among nicest sets, along with buffalo, and san jose and anahiem are the worst.

it seems like most of the other sets are the t-shirt template, as close to unchanged as possible, or just not very eye-catching... cant wait til teams start coming out with 3rd jerseys again a few years or so down the road... hopefully most of these sets can be phased out...

You have a weird fashion sense. hehe.

Actually, I like the Blues a little. I'm sure that blue will be darker, video games usually have trouble with keeping colors subtle.. just look at Philly with the neon orange.

The Sharks have a solid uniform IMO, although it'll take me a long time to deal with the orange... but it does look pretty good there. It's a nice classic, old school design, and for that I'm grateful. Shades of the original uniform.

Colorado's uniform is a design nightmare.

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hurricanes socks are LAME. they're a vertical stripe up the shin

Evidence? You're probably just looking at the practice socks, which have that vertical stripe for almost every team.

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Hehe.. if these aren't a couple of the more unflattering poses we've seen yet, I don't know what are. Briere looks like he had his head shrunk by a witch doctor.

They're talking to each other in French about how much they hate the new jersey.

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These socks are supposed to stay in place with no tape, yet in the pictures of guys in full gear where you can see the socks, most still have tape. Is this because it doesn't work as good as they say, or guys are just superstitious and don't want to change the way they've always taped up.

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Turco became a pimp in the offseason

I like gooooooooooooooooooooooold

If the home jerseys featured more green they would actually look really good in my opinion. Turco looks absolutely shocking in those pads if he had green ones it would look awesome. Why do they have the be the same as the ducks/penguins?

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