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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike/Bauer ONE95/ONE75 Skates

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I don't understand why people are obsessing over these so much. They're not THAT much different from the One90's and everyone wasn't all over their nuts, but it seems like these One95's have people addicted like crack. Do they have rocket boosters on them that I wasn't aware of or what?

Actually the fit and performance are different from the ONE90.

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Man..those tongues are definitely thin, not sure if you need thick tongues the way the boot is constructed. How much ice time have you logged in these so far?

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JR I know I remember reading it somewhere when they will be avail for customizing but I dont remember the date...when do you think I can go to my LHS to get the fitting done for them to order?

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JR I know I remember reading it somewhere when they will be avail for customizing but I dont remember the date...when do you think I can go to my LHS to get the fitting done for them to order?

You can probably be fitted for customs right away but they won't ship until June.

where can i buy em?

From you LHS after mid April for First line Dealers. Just aske your LHS when they expect their shipments.

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Just wondering about the fit compared to the one90s. Say if you were fitted for a size 8.5 or a 9 in one90s. What would you be fitted for in the 95s? I was talking to my LHS and they can't send tracings of my foot into Bauer. So if I want my skates by June i'm going to have to guesstimate my size in these.

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JR I was also wondering about how they fit? Do they fit the same as my 90s, if I'm a 6ee would still be the same? Can you sell me a pair of those heal lifts and are they 3mm. thanx

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Hey Jr what about the size did you fit a d in 95s when you were a ee in the 90s? My 6ee's fit perfect should i go with the same size I know you have first hand experiance and I have a credit online so I want to get the right size first go around. Plus I live in tx no proshops. Second of all the heal lifts I had made where white and soft and they turned yellow it looks like yours wont turn and are stiff. let me know about the fit please, and thank you.

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JR I was also wondering about how they fit? Do they fit the same as my 90s, if I'm a 6ee would still be the same? Can you sell me a pair of those heal lifts and are they 3mm. thanx

go to www.mcmaster.com and buy a sheet of high-density polyethylene in the thickness you want and make your own, for 3mm 4"x4ft(for some reason on available in lengths of 4 or more) is about 1.17 per foot.

personally I use 8671K68, 1/8", slightly over 3mm.

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Scoff's in Vancouver - 60 bucks plus tax put 3mm in my one90's. I dropped my skates off, went to class, and picked them up an hour later. Excellent job, don't even notice them but make a huge difference when skating.

JR, I'm assuming cause I had lifts in my 90's I'll want them in my 95's too? or is the 95 angled closer to the xxx?

(Sorry if this has been answered.)

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Hi guys

i´m wearing Flexlite 12´s at this time and just wanna ask you if you think i would fit in the One95? I think the Flexlite is also a real deep skate like the One95´s right?


Have a nice Day


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or you can add white plastic washers used for helmets, stack them up for desired thickness, plus less weight.


Then you would have gaps between the nylon washers and the water would get inside your holder and make the hardware rust. I don't like the idea of a heel lift which has to support your entire body weight being in multiple small pieces like that. One solid piece is surely stronger. They aren't that hard to make. If anyone is interested PM me.

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