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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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^^Yeah, I already have about half those apps but the HockeyGPS sounds awesome! I also have eBay, Paypal and AIM. :) I'm thinking I'm going to go with the Rebel Serpent case. I bought a Speck CandyShell off-the-bat, I wasn't expecting to like it but I really do.. It's just not ideal.

^Well, I was coming from a HTC 6800(UGH) so with the case the iPhone is still only about 3/4 as thick as the HTC.

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I love mine. Definitely consider it a toy tho...But i second wex on those apps he listed. others: Slacker is a good app for internet radio, pandora too. Midomi is a great app to find a song you want. if you know the beat, hum it to it, or record a few seconds off a radio, etc..., and it will pull the song up, sample it, and even let you buy and download it. Google Earth is pretty cool on it. 'Where' is a good one for your local stuff. gives news updates, weather, nearest food places, cheapest gas prices etc... Theres so many apps tho, just find free ones and download em, dont like it, delete and find something else.

As far as cases go; Griffin Technology has some awesome stuff. Not just cases, but docks, speakers, all kinds of nice stuff. The aircurve acoustic amplifier being one. It's pretty cool and gives a nice sound. Personally i like the clarifi case.

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Been seeing a new commercial for a new setup Powermat. Wireless charging. It's a case that plugs into your phone, and then you just set the case on this little mat, and it charges. www.powermat.com A little pricey, but not too bad. And the case doesn't look all that overly big.

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Yeah saw that at Best Buy, it's like $40 for the case and $100 for the mat.

I know it's available or will be available for the Palm Pre as-well.

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On my 3GS, i use an Incipio Feather, it sorta hugs the back plus it aint bulky. ive tried a load of cases and screen protectors (incase slider, speck, griffin, air jacket etc) and these 'jacket' cases are the best imo.

My favourite app atm is Real Racing, awesome game play, try it out!

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  TBLfan said:
Yeah saw that at Best Buy, it's like $40 for the case and $100 for the mat.

I know it's available or will be available for the Palm Pre as-well.

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Palm doesn't need a Powermat - the Touchstone does that already for you.


Just get the charging dock and the magnetic case and you set it on the phone. The magnets align it - no wires coming out of the phone.

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  TBLfan said:
*What cases have you used and liked?

*What apps/games are you guys using non-stop?

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-Case Mate Naked Case- phone is still scratched, but it still does a good job.

-Bank or America mobile banking, ESPN Scorecenter, Metallica Live, Classics e-book, Chipotle mobile, Shazam, MLB at bat, instant translator, conversions, paypal, eBay.

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Im up for a new phone anyone have any suggestions on the iPhone vs Blackberry. Im currently looking to upgrade in the next week and I can get the iPhone and the Blackberry Curve 8900? I am kind of worried about the touch screen on the iPhone but it seems like no one has really had a problem with it. Plus I have not herd a bad thing about the 8900

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  TBLfan said:
*What cases have you used and liked?

*What apps/games are you guys using non-stop?

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slip over Belkin fuax leather case, keeps the back clean and all buttons and ports accessible, no need for a screen cover, you'd have to seriously grind something sharp on it to scratch it.

Apps: Sportacular for scores, phoneflicks to manage netflix queue on the go, flixster for movie times/dvd release dates, NY Times, Units for quick mathematic conversions, CReports (Consumer report's application) Amazon.com - great for when your out shopping and you want to know if your about to get ripped off or if you found a good deal.

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  TBLfan said:
*What cases have you used and liked?

*What apps/games are you guys using non-stop?

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-Speck Candyshell. I would keep using it but I've fallen in love with a naked iphone

-Todo, Pandora, Facebook, Ardvark, FML, AIM, ICHC,Moviefone, and whatever games are free I try.

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  Ahriman said:
Apps: Sportacular for scores, phoneflicks to manage netflix queue on the go, flixster for movie times/dvd release dates, NY Times, Units for quick mathematic conversions, CReports (Consumer report's application) Amazon.com - great for when your out shopping and you want to know if your about to get ripped off or if you found a good deal.
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Sportacular is ok, gets quirky sometimes... last night it said Bruins/Flyers was "3-1 Final OT"... I was like "How is that possible?!"

Phoneflicks, and Flixster are awesome. The Comcast app is cool if that's your cable provider, it just lacks access to a DVR. I use Lose It! to track all my nutritional/exercise info.

The Incase Slider is nice, great protection but it adds bulkiness to the phone. I ended up switching to an Agent18 EcoShield Slider...post-consumer recycled plastic, interior silicone pads to reduce scratching, and has a light rubberized grip/tackiness to it that doesn't catch lint (so far). For my "naked days" when I don't feel like the bulk of a case, I'll just pop it into a clear Power Support Air Jacket.. protection is pretty minimal for drops, but I'm good with my phone anyways.

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  Slapshot9123 said:
Im up for a new phone anyone have any suggestions on the iPhone vs Blackberry. Im currently looking to upgrade in the next week and I can get the iPhone and the Blackberry Curve 8900? I am kind of worried about the touch screen on the iPhone but it seems like no one has really had a problem with it. Plus I have not herd a bad thing about the 8900
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Either is a good choice, but I chose Blackberry. I would look into whats coming out in the near future, I think there is a new Bold and the Storm 2 depending on your carrier.

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I was thinking about getting a BB too.. BUT once I found out I could setup push Google email on the 3GS, I couldn't resist the iPhone.

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  TBLfan said:
I had to switch to AT&T and the iPhone was the logical choice for me, despite my dislike for Apple and utter hatred of iTunes... So, I picked up an iPhone 3GS since I couldn't wait for a new Palm or Blackberry option(I wanted a finger touch screen, full internet browser and a large screen without Windows mobile).


*What cases have you used and liked?

*What apps/games are you guys using non-stop?

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1. More-thing cases. Easily the best low-pro / visual appealing case.

Rolling this one right now:


Comes with a mirror screen protection and should you have any problems with the case, customer service is top notch.

2. Fieldrunners and strangely, World War.

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  TBLfan said:
*Who here in MSH has an iPhone?

*What cases have you used and liked?

*What apps/games are you guys using non-stop?

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I've had both the iPhone since they first came out. With my 3G the case that I've liked the most is the incase slider.

As far as apps that I use a lot are Facebook, Yelp, Pandora and table hockey.

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  TBLfan said:
I had to switch to AT&T and the iPhone was the logical choice for me, despite my dislike for Apple and utter hatred of iTunes... So, I picked up an iPhone 3GS since I couldn't wait for a new Palm or Blackberry option(I wanted a finger touch screen, full internet browser and a large screen without Windows mobile).


*Who here in MSH has an iPhone?

*What cases have you used and liked?

*What apps/games are you guys using non-stop?

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-only case i ever use with my iphones are invisibleshield.

-The apps I use the most are: GoogleVoice(JB), TwitBird Pro, Facebook, FlightControl, WinterBoard(JB), Remote, Fieldrunners, Peggle, Geocaching, Pandora, Skype, vlc4iphone(JB)

*JB = You have to jailbrake your phone and download cydia to your iphone.

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And live in the states to be able to use google voice. It sucks to have an invite to Voice and not be able to use it, and have the ability to use wave and not have the invite.

EDIT: tamtamg I also just beat Peggle the other day. Took me forever to clear the zen frog level 100%, but I finally got them all lol.

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I've had my 3GS for a almost 2 weeks so I'll answer my little survey.

I'm still rocking the Speck Candyshell case with an anti-glare screen protector, I love it despite the buttons being a little hard to push. I'm still considering a couple cases from SwitchEasy, the Rebel Serpent and the new Capsule Rebel M. Also been considering a Casecrown Poly Glider(similar to the Incase Slider but cheaper) for a minor painting project.

I've collected quite a few apps over the past couple weeks:

Shazam, Pandora, UrbanSpoon, TWC(The Weather Channel), AIM, ScoreCenter, THN(The Hockey News), Facebook, eBay, Paypal, XE Currency, photobucket, moviefone, among others.

and a few games:

Paper Toss, Skee-Ball($0.99), FlingFree(probably going to buy the .99 app), Real Racing GTI(free demo of Real Racing), BMWF1Lite(free demo)

I HATE iTunes and I've always disliked Apple but I have to say, I love this phone. I'm getting phenomenal battery life by turning wifi off until I'm actually using it.

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I think the case itself, particularly the hard case, look great. BUT there's no cutout for the ringer/vibrate switch and the buttons appear to be rather un-usable... such a shame. :(

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