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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All they did was pretty much killed the jailbreak for the 3GS with the update. Soo, most people aren't updating.

..Of course they spouted something off about improving battery life to entice people to update.

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  TBLfan said:
..Of course they spouted something off about improving battery life to entice people to update.
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Not even that, i believe it was to "Improves the accuracy of the reported battery level on 3GS". lol. And then a couple bug fixes with 3rd party apps. Ugh i just want OS 4.0...

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I noticed that my iPhone has 537 MB of "Other." I was curious if anyone knows whether that's the artwork to songs. If so, doesn't anyone know how to tell iTunes not to copy over artwork to the phone? I can't find any check box to keep it in iTunes but not export to the phone. Assuming this is artwork, and I still have more songs to put on, I'd rather have 150+ more songs to put on the phone.

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  Jason Harris said:
I noticed that my iPhone has 537 MB of "Other." I was curious if anyone knows whether that's the artwork to songs. If so, doesn't anyone know how to tell iTunes not to copy over artwork to the phone? I can't find any check box to keep it in iTunes but not export to the phone. Assuming this is artwork, and I still have more songs to put on, I'd rather have 150+ more songs to put on the phone.
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I thought OTHER was the OS and system stuff.

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God forbid I want to charge my iPhone on a computer other than the one it's sync'd to...just lost 1/2 of my apps, a ton of my contacts and a lot of music b/c I plugged this thing into my home computer. It's normally sync'd to my work computer.

F' Apple and their stupid "one computer sync'ing".

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Three things:

1) There's an iPhone thread: http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...mp;#entry773530

2) I would think that plugging it back into your work computer would restore the lost information.

3) It's possible to copy the "Library.xml" file from your work computer to your home computer. Edit the path of where your library file is located on your home computer, then import the playlist (going off my memory, so I'll have to confirm this later.) Basically, it fools your home version of iTunes into thinking it's your work version.

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So my Blackberry 8830 finally bit the dust and I'm thinking of going with the iPhone. I can tack a line on to my parents plan so I think that is what I am going to do. The 16 GB 3GS is plenty for me. The only question is what color. I can't decide on black or white.

So what do you think, black or white?

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A friend of mine who works for Verizon told me she read a memo over the weekend that said Verizon is getting the iPhone in August. Hope that doesn't change.

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  Hockeyman11385 said:
So my Blackberry 8830 finally bit the dust and I'm thinking of going with the iPhone. I can tack a line on to my parents plan so I think that is what I am going to do. The 16 GB 3GS is plenty for me. The only question is what color. I can't decide on black or white.

So what do you think, black or white?

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Black. Stress marks have been known to show on the white. I also think the black hides imperfections better. Mine is cracked but it is only noticeable in certain light.

Also can't wait for Thursday to see what they announce. Even though the iPad isn't exactly what everyone wanted it can be vastly improved with a new OS and hopefully the iPhone will get a little refresh as well. Honestly not too concerned about a CDMA iPhone.

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Question for you iPhone users...how is the call quality? Both my wife and I would like to get one and we also want to ditch our land line but I've heard mixed reviews about call clarity and overall quality.


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Honestly I have no problem with it but I think a lot of it has to do with your carrier. One gripe is that the speaker volume isn't very loud, even on the 3GS.

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Depends on your area, and what carrier. I have AT&T, and get phenomenal coverage, but other areas have problems. Hardware wise, I have a 3G, and the earpiece could def use a volume boost...and the speaker phone is next to unusable it is so quiet.

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For those in Canada the CBC Hockey Night in Canada app now has live streaming of all the games. 2.99 per game or 14.99 for the playoffs. Does anyone know if I buy this if it will take the money from pre loaded gift cards?

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For anyone who wants to know, my friend has iPhone 4.0 beta and he really likes it. Pretty stable, a few quirks but over all awesome. He likea it a lot. The searching websites directly in spotlight, folders, changing of home screen background and quick changing apps are his favorite features. Oh and the unified inbox... HOLY SHIT finally.

Im a developer, but im not allowed to talk about this stuff legally :) so that's why all the info i have is from what my "friend" told me!


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  goaliemanshark said:
For anyone who wants to know, my friend has iPhone 4.0 beta and he really likes it. Pretty stable, a few quirks but over all awesome. He likea it a lot. The searching websites directly in spotlight, folders, changing of home screen background and quick changing apps are his favorite features. Oh and the unified inbox... HOLY SHIT finally.

Im a developer, but im not allowed to talk about this stuff legally :) so that's why all the info i have is from what my "friend" told me!


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Im excited about it too...but im gonna have to upgrade to a 3GS, as my 3G wont support multitasking. I did hear that AT&T has blacked out June for Vaca time tho...so im really crossing my fingers for new iPhone harware.

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  goaliemanshark said:
For anyone who wants to know, my friend has iPhone 4.0 beta and he really likes it. Pretty stable, a few quirks but over all awesome. He likea it a lot. The searching websites directly in spotlight, folders, changing of home screen background and quick changing apps are his favorite features. Oh and the unified inbox... HOLY SHIT finally.

Im a developer, but im not allowed to talk about this stuff legally :) so that's why all the info i have is from what my "friend" told me!


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my "friend" is also a developer. he also likes it too, but 4.0 has been really buggy for him. he's having audio issues and the side letter scroll isn't working for him on the podcast part of the ipod app, to name a few. but besides that, he can't complain, all the extra features are worth the bugs, and can't wait for it to go public. has your "friend" experienced any bugs? also what do your think of the new sdk? my friend hasn't really had the time to really delve into it, but i'm not liking the mac only development that apple is starting to implement.

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Awesome, glad we have some friends in common!

The SMS app is buggy, almost to the point of annoyance. Sometimes when im typing a message the keyboard will stop responding randomly the only way to get it back is to go to the home screen, then back to the SMS app, then after about 50 clicks, BOOM your message has been typed. Also when you try and search the SMS messages and select one of the messages the app crashes. Those are the worse bugs ive found...

I havent even opened the SDK, so much work with school and the new hockey team. Plus im a shitty programmer!

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  goaliemanshark said:
Oh and the unified inbox... HOLY SHIT finally.
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If I understand what this means -- being able to check and delete my emails in one inbox only, instead of the myriad email addresses I have -- I've been clamoring for that one since the day I bought my iPhone.

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