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  Dean_ said:

If anyone didn't know, Media Day was today and you can see the videos on the Giants or Patriots site.

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Yeah I saw the proposal to Tom Brady, even tho the guys dating Gisele that reporter was pretty damn hot herself. life must be easy when you're Tom Brady

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Theres going to be an announcement friday on there being 8 Bills games played at the Rogers centre, 5 reg season, 3 preseason over the next 5 years. Rumor has it in the 55000-60 seat stadium app. 20 will be offered to Argo's season ticket holders, 5 to Ti-Cats season ticket holders, and something like 10 to Bills season ticket holders...and for the remaining seats its going to be a lottery and median ticket price $250! This is also rumored to be a package so you have to buy all 8 games at once (yep purchasing a ticket in April for 2012). If you live around Toronto and really want a chance at this your best bet is to buy Argo season tickets lol.

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... or I could just drive down to Buffalo to watch the Bills, like I do twice a year without having to fight for tickets. Honestly, I don't see the big deal here.

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  habsfan87 said:
  Dean_ said:

If anyone didn't know, Media Day was today and you can see the videos on the Giants or Patriots site.

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Yeah I saw the proposal to Tom Brady, even tho the guys dating Gisele that reporter was pretty damn hot herself. life must be easy when you're Tom Brady

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Same broad that proposed to Manning the year before. No one would want Manning's sloppy seconds.

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  Patrick67 said:

Hmm become a Argo season ticket holder, for the chance to see one regular season game every season.... bah.

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Im not disagreeing with ya here lol. I think it's ridiculous but people will pay the money. Only reason I say get argo's season tickets is you'll have a way better chance of actually getting a chance at tickets. But I agree with cbj for the extra 150-200 bux for the ticket just take the drive

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I'm cheerin for the Giants but have no predictions. I just love seeing all the pointless crap that goes with this game, I mean Seacrest interviewing Travolta? who gives a shit lol. Also love the prop bets goin around, who wants to bet how long the National Anthem lasts?

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  habsfan87 said:

I'm cheerin for the Giants but have no predictions. I just love seeing all the pointless crap that goes with this game, I mean Seacrest interviewing Travolta? who gives a shit lol. Also love the prop bets goin around, who wants to bet how long the National Anthem lasts?

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Forget the National Anthem, I want the Tom Petty prop bet for swearing! That'll be so much better!

And Patriots will complete the perfect season, and will cover the spread.


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This is a tough pick between teams and things I really despise. On one hand, I cannot stand the '72 Dolphins (especially that homeless-looking Mercury Morris) but on the other I can't stand the majority of Boston "fans" that have come out in the last few years.

I have to say I hope the Patriots win but wish it was another team going for perfection. Oh well.

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I really hope Hobbs hadn't been covering Burress all night and suddenly got put on him. That 4th-down attempt back in the first half looks a little worse now.

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I like how Belichick has absolutely no class. Pulls a Cartman and takes off. Serves him right and I can't wait to see how far back these tapes go and what becomes of that ordeal.

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Yawn. I wish they could tell you in advance if it's going to be worth it to watch the whole game, or just turn on the last :35.

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