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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Warrior Johnson

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Yeah, those 2 pics are OPS, no fuse point visible. Warrior's trying to generate intrigue at the pro level by repainting sticks.

Kinda surprised the main Warrior logo is only outlined, not filled in any way. Not that someone wanting to know what it is will mistake the cock for any other stick.

Oops, meant Johnson.

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Its a dolomite painted has a jonhson.Like every stick he has been used.

Since it's obviously a one-piece in that picture, which the Johnson is not.

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Can anyone tell the lie of Savard's blade from that picture? there's a pro stock Savard dolomite at my LHS that I just looked at quickly and I'm probably gonna get. for $75 even I end up not liking I think its worth a try but I just want to know, I did like the look of the curve though.

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I would never buy a piece of equipment due to an appealing ad campaign, but I never thought that I would NOT buy a product on the heels of a stupid one. If this keeps up, I'm done with Warrior once my shafts are gone. I don't care if they're selling the cure for cancer - I'm not buying it.

*EDIT - I actually just thought of two other examples of ad campaigns which have driven me to promise myself to never, ever buy a product or receive service from an establishment: Mike Barney Nissan and any dealership owned by Billy Fuccillo (those of you in WNY know what I'm talking about).*


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Can anyone tell the lie of Savard's blade from that picture? there's a pro stock Savard dolomite at my LHS that I just looked at quickly and I'm probably gonna get. for $75 even I end up not liking I think its worth a try but I just want to know, I did like the look of the curve though.

Just curious, is this a shop in MA?? If so, which one?

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