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D aka speck

Unknown / obscure movies

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  D aka speck said:

How about The Cube?

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How about Gleaming the Cube? Haha...they filmed that movie around my house at the time.

I love the tagline on this poster - "All he cared about was gleaming the cube.... Until the night they killed his brother." LOL.


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  Jason Harris said:

It was such a fun movie when it came out, but when I see bits and pieces of it on the movie channels, it's like a lot of movies that just don't hold up so well over time. Another example we recently watched was Raiders of the Lost Ark. The Big D and I were kind of looking at each other, wondering "Wow, this was an all-time movie??" while our daughters thoroughly enjoyed it.

I hadn't seen it in 15-20 years, so it wasn't familiarity that made it less spectacular. I don't know whether it was the special effects, acting or just the script, but it wasn't as taut as a movie today would be (or as I hope the fourth this summer will be).

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Good grief. I think you and supa just grew old and crotchety. Both of those movies are still awesome.

Next thing you know, you two codgers will be telling me that 'Big trouble in little China' sucked too!

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  GekigangarIII said:

Good grief. I think you and supa just grew old and crotchety. Both of those movies are still awesome.

Next thing you know, you two codgers will be telling me that 'Big trouble in little China' sucked too!

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In all fairness "big trouble" was terrible, but in a fun kind of way. Just like Slapshot really is a bad movie, it's just a fun, bad movie.

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  Chadd said:
  GekigangarIII said:

Good grief. I think you and supa just grew old and crotchety. Both of those movies are still awesome.

Next thing you know, you two codgers will be telling me that 'Big trouble in little China' sucked too!

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In all fairness "big trouble" was terrible, but in a fun kind of way. Just like Slapshot really is a bad movie, it's just a fun, bad movie.

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Big trouble is horrible, in the best way possible yes. Man I love that movie.

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"Big Trouble" rung a bell with me. How about "Nothing But Trouble," a good one if we're speaking bad yet fun movies.

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  GekigangarIII said:

Good grief. I think you and supa just grew old and crotchety. Both of those movies are still awesome.

Next thing you know, you two codgers will be telling me that 'Big trouble in little China' sucked too!

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Big Trouble was disappointing when it came out, so I can't imagine it's aged well.

And I take the opposite view of you about growing old and crotchety. The out-laws visit us maybe twice a year. They have a set routine, just as we do. Our routine is to record a movie from the movie channels or rent a new release at Redbox, then watch it on the projector we have set up. It's not quite high def, but it's pretty darn good and, because of the dimensions of the room, the screen is 110". You know what they'd rather do? Watch reruns on TV Land of shows they've seen 14 times on the 27" TV we have in the basement.

Now that's old and croctchety!

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  Fleury2929 said:
  cxo said:

I don't know... Lucky Number S7evin was promoted on every talk show in North America by Josh Hartnett.

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You are mixing up 2 movies.

Se7en and Lucky number Slevin.

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Another off the top of my head would be Cool World. It sucked, but it was weird. Brad Pitt, Kim Basinger.

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I just got done watching Ken Park. Its a film by Larry Clark. My photo teacher told me to watch Kids and I thought that it was a little out of the ordinary, but Ken Park is just fucked up. If your into weird movies defiantly check it out. It was a little too much for me though.

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Septem8er tapes...f'ed up movie about Sept. 11th and some guy's personal vendetta against bin Laden, definitely worth the 97 minutes of your time.

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  strosedefence34 said:

I just got done watching Ken Park. Its a film by Larry Clark. My photo teacher told me to watch Kids and I thought that it was a little out of the ordinary, but Ken Park is just fucked up. If your into weird movies defiantly check it out. It was a little too much for me though.

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I haven't seen it but I remember there was a lot of controversy when it was released....have you seen some of the posters for the film? Wow. :blink:

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  Fletch said:
  strosedefence34 said:

I just got done watching Ken Park. Its a film by Larry Clark. My photo teacher told me to watch Kids and I thought that it was a little out of the ordinary, but Ken Park is just fucked up. If your into weird movies defiantly check it out. It was a little too much for me though.

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I haven't seen it but I remember there was a lot of controversy when it was released....have you seen some of the posters for the film? Wow. :blink:

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no I didn't get a chance to. I will look them up. Like I said my photo teacher told me to watch Kids so ever since then I have been getting a bunch of Larry Clark movies and watching them. I don't think any other movie I see will top this one for being just totally out there.

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  brettlynch11 said:

yeah ive been told that a couple time but i had never heard of it before i wathed it

if anyone hasnt seen it is a difnite must see

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j/k, but as a general rule of thumb, Edward Norton movies are usually pretty good. the only exception that i can think of is the italian job, which he was contractually obligated to do. still, you can't go too wrong with charlize theron.

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Love and Sex

Imagine You and Me

The Tracey Fragments (it has Ellen Page (Juno) in it.. I seriously think I love her, she's freakin amazing)

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Im not sure if this is a unknown movie, but I just finished watching The Last Starfighter. It's kind of like a cheap star wars with a not as good story line. good movie to watch though.

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  Archangel#16 said:
Im not sure if this is a unknown movie, but I just finished watching The Last Starfighter. It's kind of like a cheap star wars with a not as good story line. good movie to watch though.
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They're doing a sequel so it's not going to be obscure for long. Then again, I'm old enough that I remember when it came out.

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  Chadd said:
  Archangel#16 said:
Im not sure if this is a unknown movie, but I just finished watching The Last Starfighter. It's kind of like a cheap star wars with a not as good story line. good movie to watch though.
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They're doing a sequel so it's not going to be obscure for long. Then again, I'm old enough that I remember when it came out.

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Whens it supposed to come out? Like you Chadd I remember when it came out as well.
  Stampeder said:

I like The Last Casino


Looks like "21" completely ripped it off. Looks like the exact same story.

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Probably is the same story. 21 is based on the book though.

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